BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4142alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240330T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240330T235900 URL: -rwr-launch LOCATION:136 Bedford Rd\, Birkenhead CH42 2AS\, UK SUMMARY:Merseyside Grid - H1 2024 CO - RwR Launch! CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Join us at Indigo for a Circuit Opener to celebrate the launch of the next set in the Liberation cycle!\nWe will be playing using the Sta ndard format\, cards from RwR will be legal and we will use any announced ban list changes. I have yet to decide whether we will use DSS or SSS\, if you have any strong feelings on the matter\, let me know!\nIf you requi re proxies\, I have printing facilities at the venue (there will be a smal l charge to cover ink). In order to guarantee they will be ready in time p lease give me plenty of notice.\nEntry fee: £5\nIndigo is a neighbourhood cafe and events venue (owned and run by me!) in Birkenhead. We are easi ly accessible from the centre of Liverpool\, with trains running from Lime St and other central stations every 15 mins\, arriving at Rock Ferry stat ion just 3 mins up the road. For drivers\, there is a free car park at t he back of the venue (accessible from New Chester Road).\nOur food offerin g will be available beforehand and during the lunch break\, including all day breakfast\, sandwiches\, soups and more (with veggie and vegan options available) and we have a range of soft drinks as well as a fully licensed bar. We also have a well stocked board game cupboard\, should you wish to hang out either before or after the event!\nMore info: /VH1xm4x\nI may be able to host a few people travelling from further afiel d\, please get in touch if you'd need a place to stay.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Join us at Indigo for a Circuit Opener to celebrate the launch of the next set in the Liberation cycle!


We will be playing using the Standard format\, cards from RwR will be leg al and we will use any announced ban list changes. I have yet to de cide whether we will use DSS or SSS\, if you have any strong feelings on t he matter\, let me know!


If you require proxies\, I have printing facilities at the venue (there will be a small charge to cover ink). In or der to guarantee they will be ready in time please give me plenty of notic e.


Entry fee: £5


Indigo is a neighbourho od cafe and events venue (owned and run by me!) in Birkenhead. We are ea sily accessible from the centre of Liverpool\, with trains running from Li me St and other central stations every 15 mins\, arriving at Rock Ferry st ation just 3 mins up the road. For drivers\, there is a free car park at the back of the venue (accessible from New Chester Road).


Our foo d offering will be available beforehand and during the lunch break\, inclu ding all day breakfast\, sandwiches\, soups and more (with veggie and vega n options available) and we have a range of soft drinks as well as a fully licensed bar. We also have a well stocked board game cupboard\, should you wish to hang out either before or after the event!\nMore info: https:/ /


I may be able to host a few people travelling fr om further afield\, please get in touch if you'd need a place to stay.