BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4137alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240323T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240323T235900 URL: rcuit-opener-2024 LOCATION:4 Longden St\, Nottingham NG1 1DF\, UK SUMMARY:Nottingham Netrunner H1 Circuit Opener 2024 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Nottingham Netrunner invites you to our first Circuit Opener of the year!\nVenue: Leadbelt Games Arena\nRegistration: from 11:30am\nRound 1 start: 12pm\nEntry fee: £10\nThis CO will be Standard\, using the most recent banlist\, and will be ran using single sided swiss. It's likely to be 6\, 40-minute rounds of SSS with top cut if required\, but this depend s on the number of players. There'll be a lunch break after R3.\nDue to th e recent announcement\, we're excited to announce that the upcoming set\, Rebellion Without Rehearsal\, releasing March 18th\, will be legal for thi s tournament!\nProxies: if you require any proxies printing\, let me know in advance via email/ Discord DM! If you let me know by Thursday 21st Marc h\, 7pm\, I can guarantee these will be printed in time for the event. If you decide on some last-minute deck changes\, Leadbelt Games Arena offers a printing service (pricing and availability may vary).\nLeadbelt Games Ar ena is an inclusive hobby and tabletop gaming store! It's located next doo r to Sneinton Market (an independent\, semi-permanent marketplace)\, and v ery close to Nottingham City Centre\, local\, and national transport links (about a 10min walks from Nottingham Railway Station). There's lots of ne arby parking lots and on street parking\, too. More information about trav el can be found here.\nLeadbelt Games Arena sell a variety of drinks and s nacks\, but no meals - as such\, you are able to bring your own food and d rink (excluding alcohol) in store!\nPrizing will follow the H1 CO kit stru cture\, with some additional prizing from the Q1 GNK\, plus additional pri zing TBC.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Venue: Leadbelt Games Arena\nRegistration: from 11:30am\nRound 1 start: 12pm\nEntry fee: £10
\nThis CO wil l be Standard\, using the most recent banlist\, and will be ran using single sided swiss. It's likely to be 6\, 40 -minute rounds of SSS with top cut if required\, but this depends on the n umber of players. There'll be a lunch break after R3.
\nDue to the r ecent announcement\, we're excited to announce that the upcom ing set\, Rebellion Without Rehearsal\, releasing March 18th\, wi ll be legal for this tournament!
\nProxies: if you require a ny proxies printing\, let me know in advance via email/ Discord DM! If you let me know by Thursday 21st March\, 7pm\, I can guarantee these will be printed in time for the event. If you decide on some last-minute deck chan ges\, Leadbelt Games Arena offers a printing service (pricing and availabi lity may vary).
\nLeadbelt Games Arena is an inclusive hobby and tabletop gaming store! It's located next door to Sn einton Market (an independent\, semi-permanent marketplace)\, and very clo se to Nottingham City Centre\, local\, and national transport links (about a 10min walks from Nottingham Railway Station). There's lots of nearby pa rking lots and on street parking\, too. More information about travel can be found here .
\nLeadbelt Games Arena sell a variety of drinks and snacks\, b ut no meals - as such\, you are able to bring your own food and drink (exc luding alcohol) in store!
\nPrizing will follow the H1 CO kit struct ure\, with some additional prizing from the Q1 GNK\, plus additional prizi ng TBC.