BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4136alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240406T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240406T235900 URL: LOCATION:17 Tombland\, Norwich NR3 1HR\, UK SUMMARY:✊ Norwich RWR Launch CO ✊ CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:💃💃 Join us in Norwich to celebrate a new meta and the lau nch of Rebellion Without Rehearsal! 💃💃\nThis tournament will be usin g cards from RWR as well as any ban list changes that are annouced between now and the event.\nThe event's location is a 10 minute walk from the sta tion\, the very itself serves food and drink and the room we are in is up a steep flight of stairs\, please contact me if there is any issue.\nWe wi ll be using a non-boosted 2024 H1 CO kit as prizing for the event.\nAdmiss ion will be £5 per head.\nI may be able to put up one or two people who a re interested in traveling\, if you have any questions about that or anyth ing else please contact me on discord where I am not_yeti\n\nMayor of Lond which Exclusive Prizing\nA exclusive bonus prize will be awarded to the be st performing player who attends both the Norwich CO as well as the London CO the same weekend.\nWhichever player that attends both events and has t he highest number of points in total will get a one of the kind (in the UK *) 'Gritty Works Project' from East Coast Champs 2023 and will be awarded the title of 'Mayor of Londwich'\n*Maybe\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

💃💃 Join us in Norwich to celebrate a new meta and the launch of Rebellion Without Rehearsal! 💃💃


T his tournament will be using cards from RWR as well as any ban list change s that are annouced between now and the event.


The event's locatio n is a 10 minute walk from the station\, the very itself serves food and d rink and the room we are in is up a steep flight of stairs\, please contac t me if there is any issue.


We will be using a non-boosted 2024 H1 CO kit as prizing for the event.


Admission will be £5 per head.< /p>\n

I may be able to put up one or two people who are interested in tr aveling\, if you have any questions about that or anything else please con tact me on discord where I am not_yeti


Mayor of Londwh ich Exclusive Prizing


A exclusive bonus prize will be awarded to the best performing player who attends both the Norwich CO as well as the London CO the same weekend.


Whichever player that attends both events and has the highest number of p oints in total will get a one of the kind (in the UK*) 'Gritty Works Proje ct' from East Coast Champs 2023 and will be awarded the title of 'Mayor of Londwich'



