BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4134alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Warsaw:20240323T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Warsaw:20240323T235900 URL: r-legal LOCATION:Żydowska 12\, 61-761 Poznań\, Poland SUMMARY:Liberated Backlog vol. 2 (RWR legal) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Please register via ABR/contact the TO so that we can estimate the attendance in advance!\nUpdate - new set wil be legal: Rebellion Witho ut Rehersal comes out 2024-03-18 (see Proxies section below)\nIn the tradi tion of not keeping up with the reality\, I'm inviting you to a Standard t ournament with a previous year's CO kit + promos from GNK/alt arts. Sorry folks\, 2023 was busy as heck.\n4-5 double-sided Swiss rounds dependent on number of participants\nOptional top cut (top3/top4).\nRound limit: 65 mi n\nEntry Fee: 50 PLN\, 20 of which you can spend at the bar.\nThere will b e non-alcoholic options.\nPay here: or in p erson (cash/Blik).\nThere will be additional promos\, every participant ge ts a prize (guaranteed playset from GNK + additional depending on placemen t).\nFormat: Standard The new set is published 2024-03-18 and will be lega l\, please make sure to check the Standard Ban List and release notes befo re deckbuilding/attending. (cards might be banned upon the set release)\nD ecklists: Please have your decklists available for the judges to view (no need to print them\, mobile notes and emailing files will be fine).\nProxi es: Proxies are allowed\; please make them understandable for your opponen t\, even if they don’t remember the card (full text with card abilities and stats such as strength\, rez and trash costs are necessary). Colour or B&\;W prints are highly recommended.\nWith short time after RWR releas e\, I expect all decks to have some proxies - please pay attention to make them indistibguishable from regular cards in your deck.\nThe event is San ctioned\, according to NSG policies (this means we have strict rules of di stributing the prizes but the organisers can take part in the game). Addit ional judges might be appointed at the event.\nQuestions: please contact m e via e-mail or Discord (Bookkeeper #2351)\nUpdate: Rebellion Without Rehe arsal will be published before our event and will be legal to play. Feel f ree to bring your pet decks\, pet cards\, curiosities and experiments.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Please register via ABR/contact the TO so that we can estimate the attendance in advance!\nU pdate - new set wil be legal: Rebellion Without Rehersal comes out 2024-03 -18 (see Proxies section below)


In the tradition of not k eeping up with the reality\, I'm inviting you to a Standard tournament wit h a previous year's CO kit + promos from GNK/alt arts. Sorry folks\, 2023 was busy as heck.


4-5 double-sided Swiss rounds dependent on numbe r of participants\nOptional top cut (top3/top4).


Round limit: 65 m in


Entry Fee: 50 PLN\, 20 of which you can spend at the bar.\nTher e will be non-alcoholic options.\nPay here: or in person (cash/Blik).


There will be additional promos\, every participant gets a prize (guaranteed playset from GNK + additional depend ing on placement).


Format: Standard The new set is publish ed 2024-03-18 and will be legal\, please make sure to check the Standard B an List and release notes before deckbuilding/attending. (cards m ight be banned upon the set release)


Decklists: Please have your d ecklists available for the judges to view (no need to print them\, mobile notes and emailing files will be fine).


Proxies: Proxies are allow ed\; please make them understandable for your opponent\, even if they don ’t remember the card (full text with card abilities and stats such as st rength\, rez and trash costs are necessary). Colour or B&\;W prints are highly recommended.\nWith short time after RWR release\, I expect all dec ks to have some proxies - please pay attention to make them indistibguisha ble from regular cards in your deck.


The event is Sanctioned\, acc ording to NSG policies (this means we have strict rules of distributing th e prizes but the organisers can take part in the game). Additional judges might be appointed at the event.


Questions: please contact me via e-mail or Discord (Bookkeeper #2351)


Update: Rebellion Without Reh earsal will be published before our event and will be legal to play. Feel free to bring your pet decks\, pet cards\, curiosities and experiments.