BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4129alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20240713T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20240714T235900 URL: LOCATION:3850 Lancaster Ave\, Philadelphia\, PA 19104\, USA SUMMARY:NANPC Philadelphia CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Join us for the Philly stop of the brand-new North American Net runner Players Circuit!\nPlease\, if you're claiming your spot make sure t o also sign up to get prizes here!\nAfter the success of last year's US Ea st Coast National event\, Netrunner returns to the Redcaps Corner\, one of the old-school stomping grounds for hackers and corp-aficionados alike. J oin us for a weekend jam-packed with action\, exclusive prizes\, and side events for lovers of all formats.\nEntrance fee: 25USD\nTo be paid on the day or through this link\nTickets grant you access to both days of the Sta ndard main event and all Side events on Sunday.\nDay1 (Saturday 13th): Sta ndard tournament: Swiss. Registration opens at 12PM\, tournament starts at 1PM\nDay 2 (Sunday 14th): Standard tournament: Top cut. Side events. Day 2 starts at 10AM (thanks to the kindness of the Redcap's staff\, opening t he store 2 hours earlier just for us\, so let's show them some love)\nSelf -registration for the main event here!\nThe Standard tournament will be ru n as a Single-Sided swiss (likely 8 rounds\, unless much higher turnout) w ith a top 8 cut.\nSide events include:\n\nNetrunner Campaign event (design ed by Sanjay): check it out here!\n\nStartup pods\nCube draft\nPack draft (bring sleeves! or you can purchase them at the store)\n\nPrizes include e xclusive NANPC dice and Fermenter art by Scott Uminga\, Holographic Top Cu t stickers by The Tag Mill\, and additional prize support (CO H1 Kit\, GNK 2024 kit\, other older alt-arts).\nHere's a link to some food options aro und the venue!\nTo receive prize support\, please leave your address here. \nFor more information about the North American Netrunner Player’s Circu it\, please check out our website!\nAttendance Prize - Fermenter by Scott Umiga\n\nTop Cut Prize - The Tag Mill stickers\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Join us for the Philly stop of the brand-ne w North American Netrunner Players Circuit!


Please\, if you're claiming your spot make sure to also sign up to get prizes here!


After the success of last year's US East Coast National event\, Netrunner returns to the Redcaps Corner\, one of the old-school stomping g rounds for hackers and corp-aficionados alike. Join us for a weekend jam-p acked with action\, exclusive prizes\, and side events for lovers of all f ormats.


Entrance fee: 25USD\nTo be paid on the day or through this link\nTickets grant you access to both days of t he Standard main event and all Side events on Sunday.


Day1 (Saturd ay 13th): Standard tournament: Swiss. Registration opens at 12PM\, tournament starts at 1PM\nDay 2 (Sunday 14th): Standard tourname nt: Top cut. Side events. Day 2 starts at 10AM (thanks to the kindness of the Redcap's staff\, opening the store 2 hours earlier ju st for us\, so let's show them some love)


Self-registration for the main event here!< /a>


The Standard tournament will be run as a Single-Sided swiss (l ikely 8 rounds\, unless much higher turnout) with a top 8 cut.


Sid e events include:


Prizes include exclu sive NANPC dice and Fermenter art by Scott Uminga\, Holographic Top Cut st ickers by The Tag Mill \, and additional prize support (CO H1 Kit\, GNK 2024 kit\, other olde r alt-arts).


Here's a link to some food options around the venue!


To receive prize support\, please leave your addres s here.


For more information about the North American Netrunner Player’s Circuit\, please check out o ur website!


Attendance Prize - Fermenter by Scott Umiga\n\"Image\"


Top Cut Prize - The Tag Mill sticker s\n\"image\"