BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4128alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240427T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240427T235900 URL: 024 LOCATION:32 Bond St\, Broadmead\, Bristol BS1 3LX\, UK SUMMARY:Bristol Startup CO April 2024 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:6 rounds of single sided swiss - Expected finish 3.30pm\n(+ top cut if Turnout is 12+ players - top cut expected to finish 5pm)\n£12 Per Person entry fee - Event Being held at Excelsior Games\, Bristol\nStartup Format - Cards from System Gateway\, System Update 2021 and The liberatio n cycle ("\;The Automata Initiative"\; + The soon to be released & quot\;Rebellion Without Rehearsal"\;) will be legal.\nRegistration fro m 10am - Round 1 to start 10.30am (lunch break after round 3)\nPrize Pool includes the official Null Signal Games CO Prize kit (see below) + extra a lt arts etc - There will be participation prizes for everyone in attendanc e!\nWInner: Cats Cradle playmat (+ CBI Invite)\nTop 2: Smartware Distribut or playmat.\nTop 4: Playset of Prepaid Voicepad alt art\nTop 8: Playset of Tatu-Bola alt art.\nProxies are fully legal - please get in contact if yo u would like help with making proxies or would like to borrow cards/decks - I am happy to help out as much as I can.\nIf you have any questions plea se reach out.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

6 rounds of single sided swiss - Expected f inish 3.30pm\n(+ top cut if Turnout is 12+ players - top cut expected to f inish 5pm)


£12 Per Person entry fee - Event Being held at Excelsi or Games\, Bristol


Startup Format - Cards from System Gateway\, Sy stem Update 2021 and The liberation cycle ("\;The Automata Initiative& quot\; + The soon to be released "\;Rebellion Without Rehearsal"\; ) will be legal.


Registration from 10am - Round 1 to start 10.30am (lunch break after round 3)


Prize Pool includes the official Null Signal Games CO Prize kit (see below) + extra alt arts etc - There will b e participation prizes for everyone in attendance!


WInner: Cats Cr adle playmat (+ CBI Invite)\nTop 2: Smartware Distributor playmat.\nTop 4: Playset of Prepaid Voicepad alt art\nTop 8: Playset of Tatu-Bola alt art.


Proxies are fully legal - please get in contact if you would like help with making proxies or would like to borrow cards/decks - I am happy to help out as much as I can.


If you have any questions please re ach out.