BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4123alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240406 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240407 URL: in-2024 SUMMARY:🎉🚀🚀 Chimera Online - 1st event in 2024! CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:➡️ WANT PRIZES BUY A TICKET HERE 🥳💥🚀\nStart Time: 9am PDT and 16:00 UTC\nThe event will be run through the NSG online events hub channel - online-gnks - Invite Link to the Events Hub.\nPlease arrive in the main voice lobby at 16:00 UTC. I will explain of how Chimera works \, how the event will be run\, the prizing structure\, and then we will be gin with round one as soon as possible. If you are not present when we beg in round one you will be dropped from the event\, but I'm happy to add peo ple back in later rounds. If you haven't purchased a ticket yet and you wo uld like to receive pries you can do so here.\nWhat is Chimera??? A unique format where you get to play randomly generated Ampère vs Nova decks. Chimera is some of the most fun I have ever had playing netrunner. @santa and I originally created chimera back in august and so far the response f rom other players has been fantastic. Not every deck is balanced\, not eve ry game is "\;fair"\;\, but almost every game has epic and hilario us moments. Playing with a random deck really tests your ingenuity and you will get to play with cards you never even knew existed 😁 I can't poss ibly recommend it enough\, you can read more about it and generate decks ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️\n\nYou can check out an ex ample Chimera replay here :) Pretty epic game.\nThe goal for this event is to meet new people\, and have a blast playing Chimera. I hope this timing will work for a large number of people around the world. We will be playi ng 6 rounds of single sided swiss with no top cut. This will be the first of a few Chimera events in 2024 the next event will be scheduled with favo rable timing for the apac region.\nPrizes and additional information:\nFun maximizing achievement challenge prizes plus ⬇️ ⬇️ 🥳\n1st pla ce: will get the a Chimera Champion playmat designed* by me\nTop 25%: Inve rted Sure Gamble\nParticipation prize choice for everyone who attends\n*Pr izes possibly subject to change\nThere will be a collection of TBD objecti ve based prizes for completing certain board states or win cons. I'm takin g suggestions\, win with 9+ points in your score area? Have 3 ice costing 7+ rezed? Flatline a runner with an operation?\n\nTickets are only require d to receive prizes and include free basic worldwide USPS shipping\, anyon e is welcome to play for free and register via Aesop's Tables. Additionall y if you want prizes and don't have the means currently to afford a ticket feel free to use the discount code: NETRUNNER4EVERYONE for 100% off the t icket price ❤️\n\n*AI disclaimer: I "\;created/designed"\; the art for the playmat using generative AI tools. It is my goal as a TO to r un the best possible events in order support our wonderful community. Art is a huge part of the community and I am actively seeking out human artist s I can collaborate with for future projects. I personally feel very confl icted about generative AI. If you are an artist\, an artist supporter\, or anyone curious to read more about my thoughts\, please check out this goo gle doc ❤️🙃\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Star t Time: 9am PDT and 16:00 UTC
\nThe event will be run through th e NSG online events hub channel - online-gnks - Invite Link to th e Events Hub.
\nPlease arrive in the main voice lobby at 16:00 UTC. I will explain of h ow Chimera works\, how the event will be run\, the prizing structure\, and then we will begin with round one as soon as possible. If you are not pre sent when we begin round one you will be dropped from the event\, but I'm happy to add people back in later rounds. If you haven't purchased a ticket ye t and you would like to receive pries you can do so here.
\nYou can ch eck out an example Chimera replay here :) Pretty epic game.
\nTh e goal for this event is to meet new people\, and have a blast playing Chi mera. I hope this timing will work for a large number of people around the world. We will be playing 6 rounds of single sided swiss with no top cut. This will be the first of a few Chimera events in 2024 the next event wil l be scheduled with favorable timing for the apac region.
\nPrizes and additional information:
\nFun maximizing achievement challenge prizes plus ⬇️ ⬇️ 🥳\n1 st place: will get the a Chimera Champion playmat designed* by me \nTop 25%: Inverted Sure Gamble\nParticipation pr ize choice for everyone who attends
\n*Prizes possibly subj ect to change
\nThere will be a collection of TBD objective based prizes for completing certain board states or win cons. I'm taking suggestions\, win with 9+ points in your score area? Have 3 ice co sting 7+ rezed? Flatline a runner with an operation?
\nTicke ts are only required to receive prizes and include free basic worldwide US PS shipping\, anyone is welcome to play for free and register via Aesop's Tables. Additio nally if you want prizes and don't have the means currently to afford a ti cket feel free to use the discount code: NETRUNNER4EVERYONE for 100% off t he ticket price ❤️
\n*AI disclaimer: I "\;created/designed"\; the art for the playmat using generative AI tools. It is my goal as a TO to run the best possible events in order sup port our wonderful community. Art is a huge part of the community and I am actively seeking out human artists I can collaborate with for future proj ects. I personally feel very conflicted about generative AI. If you are an artist\, an artist supporter\, or anyone curious to read more about my th oughts\, please check out this google doc ❤ ️🙃