BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4112alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240324 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240325 URL: ed-meta-test SUMMARY:2024-03 Standard Accelerated Meta Test CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:This AMT is planned to include Rebellion Without Rehearsal in i t's legal cardpool\n\nNetrunners - NSG will continue hosting online events every month for all of '24!\nThis is an Accelerated Meta Test in the Stan dard Format using Single-Sided Swiss\, and is open to anyone who wants to play. Prizing for this event will be an Invite to the Circuit Breaker Invi tational in January of '25 for the top finisher (or top 2 if we exceed 20 entrants).\nNetrunners from all levels of play are welcome and encouraged to participate in AMTs\nThis event is starting on March 24th\, 09:00 AWST (01:00 UTC). With registration closing and player meeting beginning 15 min utes beforehand.\nThe event will be run through the NSG Online Event Hub D iscord. Registration will open on Aesopstables at least an hour before eve nt start. We anticipate this event being six rounds with a top 4 cut.\nThe event will be run on\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

This AMT is planned to include Rebellion W ithout Rehearsal in it's legal cardpool


\"Accelerated\nNetrunner s - NSG will continue hosting online events every month for all of '24!


This is an Accelerated Meta Test in the Standard Fo rmat using Single-Sided Swiss\, and is open to anyone who wants to play. Prizing for this event will be an Invite to the Circuit Br eaker Invitational in January of '25 for the top finisher (or top 2 if we exceed 20 entrants).


Netrunners from all levels of play ar e welcome and encouraged to participate in AMTs


This even t is starting on March 24 th\, 09:00 AWST (01:00 UTC). With registration closing and player meet ing beginning 15 minutes beforehand.


The event will be ru n through the NSG Online Event H ub Discord. Registration will open on Aesopstables at least an hour before event start. We anticipat e this event being six rounds with a top 4 cut.


The event will be run on