BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4107alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20240525T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20240526T235900 URL: LOCATION:175 Mansfield Ave\, Norton\, MA 02766\, USA SUMMARY:NANPC Boston CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Come one\, come all! Get your beans in beantown*\, the 3rd stop for NANPC.\nThe entry fee for the standard main event will be $25 paid ou t in the form of store credit for the top players. Entry fee to be paid at the door when you get there.\nDay one\, registration at 10:00 AM and roun d one pairing at 11:00 AM. Day 2\, we will be doing registration for the s ide event beginning 11:30 AM and pairing both that and the cut at noon.\nD ay one will be 8 rounds of single sided swiss followed by the cut on the n ext day along with side events (with an hour long break after R3).\n$5 ent ry fee for side events\, which will also be converted to store credit.\nTh e side event has some added spice though! You are allowed to put one plays et of a rotated card in your deck that was not on the banlist when it rota ted! Rotated IDs are allowed. (No currents allowed\, sorry sickos.)\nPrize s consist of the H1 CO Kit and MBTA themed click trackers for the top 4 of the main event and winner of the side event along with Scott Uminga's Fer menters and special NANPC Dice for everyone!\nSnare 'em\, tag 'em\, bag 'e m\, core 'em knife 'em\, doesn't matter what your style is\, new players\, returning players\, sharks\, everyone is welcome. We are also trying to g et a stream going\, stay tuned for more info!\nFor more information about the North American Netrunner Player’s Circuit\, please check out our web site!\n*Yes\, it's NANPC Providence\, don't @ me.\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Come one\, come all! Get your beans in bean town*\, the 3rd stop for NANPC.


The entry fee for the standard mai n event will be $25 paid out in the form of store credit for the top playe rs. Entry fee to be paid at the door when you get there.


Day one\, registration at 10:00 AM and round one pairing at 11:00 AM. Day 2\, we wi ll be doing registration for the side event beginning 11:30 AM and pairing both that and the cut at noon.


Day one will be 8 rounds of single sided swiss followed by the cut on the next day along with side events (w ith an hour long break after R3).


$5 entry fee for side events\, w hich will also be converted to store credit.\nThe side event has some adde d spice though! You are allowed to put one playset of a rotated card in yo ur deck that was not on the banlist when it rotated! Rotated IDs are allow ed. (No currents allowed\, sorry sickos.)


Prizes consist of the H1 CO Kit and MBTA themed click trackers for the top 4 of the main event and winner of the side event along with Scott Uminga's Fermenters and special NANPC Dice for everyone!


Snare 'em\, tag 'em\, bag 'em\, core 'em knife 'em\, doesn't matter what your style is\, new players\, returning p layers\, sharks\, everyone is welcome. We are also trying to get a stream going\, stay tuned for more info!


For more information about the < a href=\"\">North American Netrunner Player’s Circui t\, please check out our website!


*Yes\, it's NANPC Providence \, don't @ me.

