BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4106alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240323T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240323T235900 URL: rs-circuit-vancouver LOCATION:6550 Bonsor Ave\, Burnaby\, BC V5H 3G4\, Canada SUMMARY:N. American Netrunner Players Circuit - Vancouver CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcome to the North American Netrunner Player’s Circuit! Joi n us for the first stop on this tour in Vancouver. We'll be in the Bonsor Recreation Complex for this event.\nNOTE: The new Netrunner set by Null Si gnal Games\, Rebellion Without Rehearsal\, will be legal for this event. W e are doing our best to secure physical product for the event.\nAdditional ly\, the new banlist\, SBL 24.03\, which introduces the ban of Formicary\, will also be legal for this event.\nEntry fee is $35. Tickets may be purc hased here!\nFormat will be Single Sided Swiss. Rounds and top cut will be based on attendance\, and focused on being able to finish all rounds and the top cut in a single day.\nWhile this is a competitive event\, newer pl ayers are very welcome.\nPrizes are TBA\, but believe me\, we'll have some doozies.\n\nA boosted 2024 CO H1 kit\nFermenter alt art\nHyperloop Extens ion alt art\nNANPC acrylic dice\n\nFor more information about the North Am erican Netrunner Player’s Circuit\, please check out our website!\nFor m ore local information and announcements\, join the Vancouver Discord Serve r\, and message me\; my username is Sindarin.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Welcome to the North American Netrunner Pla yer’s Circuit! Join us for the first stop on this tour in Vancouver. We' ll be in the Bonsor Recreation Complex for this event.


NOT E: The new Netrunner set by Null Signal Games\, Rebellion Without Rehearsa l\, will be legal for this event. We are doing our best to secure physical product for the event.


Additionally\, the new ba nlist\, SBL 24.03\, which introduces the ban of Formicary\, will also be l egal for this event.


Entry fee is $35. Tickets may be purchased here!< /p>\n

Format will be Single Sided Swiss. Rounds and top cut will be base d on attendance\, and focused on being able to finish all rounds and the t op cut in a single day.


While this is a competitive event\, newer players are very welcome.


Prizes are TBA\, but believe me\, we'll have some doozies.


For more information about the North American Netrunner Player’s Circuit\, please check out our website!


For more local information and announcements\, j oin the Vancouver Discord Server \, and message me\; my username is Sindarin.