BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4093alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20240608T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20240609T235900 URL: dwest-championship LOCATION:1975 County Road B2 W\, Roseville\, MN 55113\, USA SUMMARY:NANPC - 2024 Off The Grid Midwest Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:IMPORTANT: OTG and the Mead Crüe use naughty language\, but we 're not really bad boys. It's all a tongue-in-cheek act. We're Minnesota N ice! That said: Come get some.|\n\n2024 Off The Grid Midwest Championship\ nOff The Grid is the longest running concurrent Netrunner tournament serie s in all of North America. We been rocking the finger\, the flag\, and the 'tude higher and longer than anyone. And we ain't done yet. That one fing er salute is still up\, and our commitment is stronger than ever. Another edition of Minnesota's favorite illicit bloodsport is coming back at you.\ nGameZenter (formerly Fantasy Flight Game Center) again plays host to this noble tradition. We've been rolling in like we own the joint for years\, and this year ain't no different. We take over the Vega room of this illus trious LGS for two whole days of throwing the f*** down. We do so to answe r the age old question: Who will be King in the North?\nWait\, there's mor e! Off The Grid is officially a stop at the newly announced North American Netrunner Player's Circuit! Because it's cool as hell\, and because of co urse we are. For more information about the North American Netrunner Playe r’s Circuit\, please check out the website.\nMore details are to come\, so eyes on this spot to see more of that OTG swag. And the prizes\, too.\n Details\nFULL NSG TOURNEY RULES\, FLOOR RULES\, MWL\, AND PACK LEGALITY WI LL BE OBSERVED. Even though this is an illicit event\, not tied to NSG\, w e’re not animals. Please familiarize yourself with whatever the current official rules are\, as we will be following them in the spirit of keeping this close to actual competitive Netrunner.\nThis event is being held at GameZenter (formerly Fantasy Flight Games Event Center). For those that do n’t know\, the address is: 1975 County Road B2 W\, Roseville\, MN 55113\ , USA.\nEntry Fee will be $25. The ticket entitles you to any and all side events or activities we may host. They will be available until sold out o r the day of. Ticketing Here\nWe need people to pre-order the tix to suppo rt the event and to get an idea of attendance. We will do same-day registr ations and payment\, but it is not ideal. Although we don't expect to hit it\, we have a cap of 114 seats (with possible wiggle room)\, so a pre-ord er guarantees you a spot. Possible increases in the cap will be looked at if we reach it.\nWe have a hotel block! We booked a hotel block at Rosevil le DoubleTree by Hilton (formerly the Radisson). They are a special rate o f $152/night\, and include breakfast vouchers. King and double queen suite s are available. Book Here\nDay 1 - 06/08/2024 - Main Event Double-Sided S wiss\nDecklists Required. Ticket Required. DSS. NSG Standard Format.\nTHIS WILL BE A CIRCUIT OPENER OR NATIONALS KIT WITH CUSTOM PRIZES. APPLICATION FOR NATS PENDING. OFFICIAL KIT PRIZES WILL BE AVAILABLE!\nMain Event goes down at 10:00AM CT on 6/8/24. Registration with END roughly at 10:30AM\, with cards hitting the tables at 10:45AM. Rounds will also be 65 minutes. 6 rounds of Double-Sided Swiss will be held\, unless there is attendance to support more.\nSwiss rounds may need to continue on Sunday. The GameZen ter now closes at 7:00PM CT on Saturday\, so we'll leave early for beers a nd merriment. If there's additional rounds required to get to a full Top C ut\, those in contention will throw down on Sunday.\nWe will do a Top 8 Cu t\, unless attendance is shockingly low or shockingly high. Those who are in contention will be informed on Saturday and be asked to return on Sunda y if additional rounds of Swiss are needed. The Top Cut takes place Sunday .\nDecklists will be required. Participants will need to submit a physical copy OR do digital registration on Cobra. Decklists can be done on-site\, or printed out beforehand. As long as the lists are legible we're not sti cklers on the format.\nDay 2 - 06/09/2024 - Cut\nWe will be completing the Main Event Cut on Sunday. This will start at roughly 10:15/10:20AM CT. We will attempt to include some breaks during rounds for breathers\, but the goal is to fire them off as quick as possible since we must conclude by 7 :00PM CT. A lunch break may happen\, but will be put to a vote for those i n the Cut.\nLinks\nEventbrite Ticket Purchasing Page\nRoseville DoubleTree Hotel Block\nDecklist Submission Forms\nNSG Code of Conduct\nNSG OP Polic ies &\; Floor Rules\nNSG Standard Format\n(Any and all event details ar e subject to change. In the case of any saltiness\, please know that any a nd all dickish comments will be ignored and summarily dismissed.)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

IMPORTANT: OTG and the Mea d Crüe use naughty language\, but we're not really bad boys. It's all a t ongue-in-cheek act. We're Minnesota Nice! That said: Come get some .|




2024 Off The Grid Midwest Champions hip


Off The Grid is the longest running concurrent Netru nner tournament series in all of North America. We been rocking the finger \, the flag\, and the 'tude higher and longer than anyone. And we ain't do ne yet. That one finger salute is still up\, and our commitment is stronge r than ever. Another edition of Minnesota's favorite illicit bloodsport is coming back at you.


GameZenter (formerly Fantasy Flight Game Cent er) again plays host to this noble tradition. We've been rolling in like w e own the joint for years\, and this year ain't no different. We take over the Vega room of this illustrious LGS for two whole days of throwing the f*** down. We do so to answer the age old question: Who will be Ki ng in the North?


Wait\, there's more! Off The Gri d is officially a stop at the newly announced North American Netrunner Pla yer's Circuit! Because it's cool as hell\, and because of course we are. For more information about the North American Netrunner Player’s Circuit\, please check out the w ebsite.


More details are to come\, so eyes on this sp ot to see more of that OTG swag. And the prizes\, too.


De tails


FULL NSG TOURNEY RULES\, FLOOR RULES\, MWL \, AND PACK LEGALITY WILL BE OBSERVED. Even though this is an ill icit event\, not tied to NSG\, we’re not animals. Please familiarize you rself with whatever the current official rules are\, as we will be followi ng them in the spirit of keeping this close to actual competitive Netrunne r.


This event is being held at GameZenter (formerly Fantasy Flight Games Event Center). For those that don’t know\, the address is: 1975 County Road B2 W\, Roseville\, MN 55113\, USA.


Entry Fee will be $25. The ticket entitles you to any and al l side events or activities we may host. They will be available until sold out or the day of. Ticketing H ere


We need people to pre-order the tix to su pport the event and to get an idea of attendance. We will do same -day registrations and payment\, but it is not ideal. Although we don't ex pect to hit it\, we have a cap of 114 seats (with possible wiggle room)\, so a pre-order guarantees you a spot. Possible increases in the cap will b e looked at if we reach it.


We have a hotel block! We booked a hotel block at Roseville DoubleTree by Hilton (formerly the Radisson). They are a special rate of $152/night\, and include breakfast v ouchers. King and double queen suites are available. Book Here


Day 1 - 06/08/2024 - Main Event Double-Si ded Swiss


Decklists Required. Ticket Required. DSS. NSG S tandard Format.




Main Event goes down at 10:00AM CT on 6/8/24. Registration with END roughly at 10:30A M\, with cards hitting the tables at 10:45AM. Rounds will also be 65 minu tes. 6 rounds of Double-Sided Swiss will be held\, unless there is attenda nce to support more.


Swiss rounds may need to continue on Sunday. The GameZenter now closes at 7:00PM CT on Saturday\, so w e'll leave early for beers and merriment. If there's additional rounds req uired to get to a full Top Cut\, those in contention will throw down on Su nday.


We will do a Top 8 Cut\, unless attendance is shockingly low or shockingly high. Those who are in contention will be informed on Saturday and be asked to return on Sunday if additional rounds of Swiss are needed. The Top Cut takes place Sunday.


Deck lists will be required. Participants will need to submit a physic al copy OR do digital registration on Cobra. Decklists can be done on-site \, or printed out beforehand. As long as the lists are legible we're not s ticklers on the format.


Day 2 - 06/09/2024 - Cut


We will be completing the Main Event Cut on Sunday. This will st art at roughly 10:15/10:20AM CT. We will attempt to include some breaks du ring rounds for breathers\, but the goal is to fire them off as quick as p ossible since we must conclude by 7:00PM CT. A lunch break may happen\, bu t will be put to a vote for those in the Cut.


Links\nEventbrite Ticket Purchasin g Page\nRoseville DoubleTree Hotel Bloc k\nDecklist Submission Forms\nNS G Code of Conduct\nNSG OP Policies &\; Floor Rules\nNSG Standard Format


(Any and all event details are subject to change. In th e case of any saltiness\, please know that any and all dickish comments wi ll be ignored and summarily dismissed.)