BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4086alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240224T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240224T235900 URL: of-the-best-meta LOCATION:32 Bond St\, Broadmead\, Bristol BS1 3LX\, UK SUMMARY:Bristol Standard GNK (Last of the 'best meta') CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:6 rounds of single sided swiss:\nRegistration from 10am - Round 1 to start 10.30am (lunch break after round 3)\nFinish approx 3.30pm (Wil l add on a small top cut in the case of large turnout\, +1hr)\n£10 Per Pe rson entry fee - Event Being held at Excelsior Games\, Bristol\nStandard F ormat - Current Ban list\, Cards up to The Automata Initiative\nCome and p lay for what has been described by multiple people as one of their favouri te standard metas!\nPrize Pool:\nWinner: Exclusive Aginfusion Jakusa Alt A rt\n2nd Place: Vale Shiny Aginfusion\n3-6th Place: Vale Aginfusion\nPlus P articipation prizes for everyone who plays\nProxies are fully legal - plea se get in contact if you would like help with making proxies or would like to borrow cards/decks - I am happy to help out as much as I can.\nIf you have any questions please reach out.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
6 rounds of single sided swiss:\nRegistrati on from 10am - Round 1 to start 10.30am (lunch break after round 3)\nFinis h approx 3.30pm (Will add on a small top cut in the case of large turnout\ , +1hr)
\n£10 Per Person entry fee - Event Being held at Excelsior Games\, Bristol
\nStandard Format - Current Ban list\, Cards up to T he Automata Initiative
\nCome and play for what has been described b y multiple people as one of their favourite standard metas!
\nPrize Pool:\nWinner: Exclusive Aginfusion Jakusa Alt Art\n2nd Place: Vale Shiny Aginfusion\n3-6th Place: Vale Aginfusion\nPlus Participation prizes for ev eryone who plays
\nProxies are fully legal - please get in contact i f you would like help with making proxies or would like to borrow cards/de cks - I am happy to help out as much as I can.
\nIf you have any que stions please reach out.