BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4081alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240217T143000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240217T235900 URL: -h1 LOCATION:35-39 London St\, Reading RG1 4PS\, UK SUMMARY:RIG Startup Circuit Opener H1 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:It's time to kick off the H1 competative season with probably y our last chance to play TAI Startup\, now with a banlist of Endurance and Drago! If you're in or near Reading\, then come along and join us!\nWebsit e With Link To Discord\nBasic Info\nDate: 17th of February 2024\nLocation: RISC on London Street\nPrice: Requested £5 donation requested only if yo u can afford it to offset the room booking\nFormat: The Automota Initiativ e Startup (24.01 Banlist)\nSwiss: Single Sided\nWe are in RISC room 3 from 14:15\, which can be accessed down the alleyway\n\nPrizes\n1st: Invitatio n to the 2025 CBI\nTop 2: Cat's Cradle Playmat\nTop 4: Prepaid VoicePAD Al t Art Playset\nTop 8: Tatu-Bola Alt Art Playset\n2 Random Players: Drafter Alt Art Playset\nPrizes will be awarded on the day if able\, otherwise wi ll be posted to attendees after the event.\nNote: CBI invitation is only a vailable if enough people attend\nCompetitive Level\nCircuit Openers\, whi le an organised tournament with prizes\, are considered a Casual Tier even t. We'll be prioritising accessibility and opportunity to learn over tight rules enforcement and competitive integrity!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
It's time to kick off the H1 competative se ason with probably your last chance to play TAI Startup\, now with a banli st of Endurance and Drago! If you're in or near Reading\, then come along and join us!
\n\nDate: 17th of February 2024\nLocation: RISC on London Street\nPrice: Requested £5 donation requested on ly if you can afford it to offset the room booking\nFormat: The Automota Initiative Startup (24.01 Banlist)\nSwiss: Single Sided
\nWe are in RISC room 3 from 14:15\, which can be acc essed down the alleyway
\n1st: Invitati on to the 2025 CBI\nTop 2: Cat's Cradle Playmat\n Top 4: Prepaid VoicePAD Alt Art Playset\nTop 8: Tatu-Bola Alt Art Playset\n2 Random Players: Drafter Alt Art Playset\nPrizes will be awarded on the day if able\, otherwise will be posted to attendees after the event.\nNote: CBI invitation is only av ailable if enough people attend
\nC ircuit Openers\, while an organised tournament with prizes\, are considere d a Casual Tier event. We'll be prioritising accessibility and opportunity to learn over tight rules enforcement and competitive integrity!