BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4077alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240130T184000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240130T235900 URL: nuary-2024 SUMMARY:Liverpool Netrunner GNK - January 2024 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcome to the latest GNK for Liverpool! Something different th is time around as we try out NSG's proposed banlist (otherwise known as Su nset).\nAll decks must adhere to the Sunset banlist\, which is the Standar d banlist with additional cards banned. If you ever wanted to find out wha t Standard would be like without the likes of Bellona\, Rashida and Bankha r\, then this is the time to find out!\nThe event will happen at the usual Tuesday meet on Tuesday 30th January. Registration will start at 18:00\, starting round 1 at 18:40pm. We'll be using JustPlay's private gaming room to host the event.\nThe GNK will consist of 3 rounds of Swiss games timed at 60 minutes each. The slightly shorter time allows us to ensure we can get all games in with an aim to finish around 22:00.\nEntry for the GNK wi ll be £7.50 to be paid on the night to Simon Ho\nMore information and the Sunset banlist can be found here: Introducing Sunset\nNOTE: This tourname nt was conducted as Single Sided Swiss\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Welcome to the latest GNK for Liverpool! So mething different this time around as we try out NSG's proposed banlist (o therwise known as Sunset).


All decks must adhere to the Sunset ban list\, which is the Standard banlist with additional cards banned. If you ever wanted to find out what Standard would be like without the likes of B ellona\, Rashida and Bankhar\, then this is the time to find out!


The event will happen at the usual Tuesday meet on Tuesday 30th January. R egistration will start at 18:00\, starting round 1 at 18:40pm. We'll be us ing JustPlay's private gaming room to host the event.


The GNK will consist of 3 rounds of Swiss games timed at 60 minutes each. The slightly shorter time allows us to ensure we can get all games in with an aim to f inish around 22:00.


Entry for the GNK will be £7.50 to be paid on the night to Simon Ho


More information and the Sunset banlist can be found here: Introducing Sunset


NOTE: This tournament was conducted as Single Sided Swiss