BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4073alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240225T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240225T235900 URL: al-tournament LOCATION:Coventry CV4 7AL\, UK SUMMARY:'Holy Sh*t netrunner' inaugural tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:RULESET: xb7VxPlkMICel_C-tLO1nI3YCLdIA/edit?usp=sharing\nSo\, a bunch of us got tal king on the Saturday of nats and came up with a fun idea... What if you co uld play absolutely nuts versions of all the IDs in the game?\nIntroducing Holy Sh*t netrunner\, a format where we've 'improved' standard by adding all the IDs back in and making their abilities insane. Ob triggers wheneve r you trash! Loup gives you the entire trash cost back in credits! And so much more!\nThis is a very casual 'tournament' with nothing much except br agging rights (and a very angy trophy) on the line. I'd expect 3 rounds\, finishing around 4pm. It's at Warwick university\, room WT0.02. We'll be a round to get you to the right place!\nThere's no entry fee\, but if you ca n afford it I'd appreciate if entrants donated £5 to Mermaids: https://me\nDo drop me a message if you have any questions! Hope to see you there!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

RULESET: ts/d/1VxOu2FVcKsdHaYxb7VxPlkMICel_C-tLO1nI3YCLdIA/edit?usp=sharing


So\, a bunch of us got talking on the Saturday of nats and came up with a fun idea... What if you could play absolutely nuts versions of all the ID s in the game?\nIntroducing Holy Sh*t netrunner\, a format where we've 'im proved' standard by adding all the IDs back in and making their abilities insane. Ob triggers whenever you trash! Loup gives you the entire trash co st back in credits! And so much more!


This is a very casual 'tourn ament' with nothing much except bragging rights (and a very angy trophy) o n the line. I'd expect 3 rounds\, finishing around 4pm. It's at Warwick un iversity\, room WT0.02. We'll be around to get you to the right place!


There's no entry fee\, but if you can afford it I'd appreciate if ent rants donated £5 to Mermaids:


Do drop me a message if you have any questions! Hope to see you there!