BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4072alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Dublin:20240302T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Dublin:20240302T235900 URL: -11 LOCATION:29 Clanbrassil Street Upper\, Harold's Cross\, Dublin 8\, D08 E1X9 \, Ireland SUMMARY:Dublin Circuit Opener 2024 1.1 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Let's kick off competitive Netrunner in Ireland for 2024!\nI'll be running a CO on March 2nd in Dublin to kickstart tournament Netrunner this year. This is the first of two CO kits I'll be running in the first h alf of the year. It will be a Standard format CO\, played under Single Sid ed Swiss. For more information about SSS\, please check out the NSG Organi sed Play policies (I'll be running through SSS logistics prior to the even t kicking off on the day).\nAll the details are below\, including the priz e kit information. I'll also be throwing in a few goodies from my own priz e collection. Entry fee can be paid to me either via Revolut or via PayPal \, links below. We will be running the event at Board on Clanbrassil Stree t\, a new non-alcoholic board gaming cafe/bar so please support them while we're there!\nLooking forward to seeing you all and getting some Netrunni ng going in 2024!\nWhen: March 2nd\nWhere: Board\, Clanbrassil Street\, Du blin\nHow much: 10 euros (payable to paypal or revolut)\nFormat: Standard\ , Single Sided Swiss\nRounds: TBD on day\, depending on numbers\, more tha n likely 5/6\nTop cut: TBD on day\, depending on numbers\, possible a top 4 cut but maybe not depending on time\nSnare: Always in the remote\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Let's kick off competitive Netrunner in Ire land for 2024!


I'll be running a CO on March 2nd in Dublin to kick start tournament Netrunner this year. This is the first of two CO kits I'l l be running in the first half of the year. It will be a Standard< /strong> format CO\, played under Single Sided Swiss. For more information about SSS\, please check out the NSG Organised Play poli cies (I'll be running through SSS logistics prior to the event kicking off on the day).


All the details are below\, including the prize kit information. I'll also be throwing in a few goodies from my own prize coll ection. Entry fee can be paid to me either via Revolut or via PayPal\, lin ks below. We will be running the event at Board on Clanbrassil Street\, a new non-alcoholic board gaming cafe/bar so please support them while we're there!


Looking forward to seeing you all and getting some Netrunn ing going in 2024!


When: March 2nd\nWhere : Board\, Clanbrassil Street\, Dublin\nHow much: 10 euros (payable to paypal or revolut)\nForma t: Standard\, Single Sided Swiss\nRounds: TBD on day\, depending on numbers\, more than likely 5/6\nTop cut: TBD on day\, depending on numbers\, possible a top 4 cut but maybe not depending on time\nSnare: Always in the remote