BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4050alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20240203T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20240203T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Berlin 2nd TAI Startup CO CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:As we are nearing the release of the second part of the Liberat ion cycle\, the standard meta after worlds has somewhat settled\, and we e xpect the CBI to solidify most of the rest. Hence\, it seems more sensible to make our second H2 2023 event another Startup event implementing the n ew Startup Ban List! With this in mind\, we invite you back to our journey to Brazil from the cold north of the Gulf of Ob!\nThis tournament will be conducted via Aesop's Tables:\nLink to the Tournament\nLocation\nWe have switched locations from the last time around! We will be playing in the Ge nossenschaftstreff in Reuterstraße 90 near U Boddinstraße\, which has ge nerously been to provided to us by Sebastian (@sebki)!\nDETAILS - How to g et in\nYou will have to ring two bells and go through two apartment buildi ngs: At the entrance at Reuterstraße 90\, there is a big button saying so mething akin to "\;Mitgliederzentrum"\;. Ring that\, and go throug h the building to enter the courtyard. There\, you should see a sign point ing to the next door where you have to ring the bell again. Go through tha t second building to enter the second courtyard behind it. The entrance to the venue is in this second courtyard\, and someone should be there welco ming you in.\nRegistration\nPlease send me an e-mail at girometics.nsgnr@g to register and receive payment details.\nWe will be taking an en try/participation/organizational fee of 10\,- EUR\, if booked before the e nd of Jan 28\, 13\,- EUR after that and 15\,- EUR at the venue. This can b e paid preferably via online transfer\, but in a pinch payment in cash at the venue is also possible.\nEvent\nThis will be the official Berlin Start up Circuit Opener for 2023 H2.\nThe event starts at 10:00 local time and i s planned to conclude by 19:00\, and we will have at least a 30 min break in between.\nWe will probably have dinner afterwards\, so feel free to joi n.\nThe games will probably not be streamed. I will put up an announcement if we do end up being able to stream them.\nFormat\nTO is Girometics (Gir ometics#2007 on Discord).\nWe will be playing 5 (five) or 6 (six) rounds o f Single-sided Swiss\, depending on time\, and have a Top 3 Cut if we are at least 8 players. In case something goes wrong\, we will default to 4 (f our) rounds of Double-sided Swiss.\nAllowed sets: System Gateway\, System Update 2021\, Borealis Cycle (Midnight Sun + Parhelion) and The Automata I nitiative.\nWe will apply the latest Startup Ban List.\nProxies of accepta ble quality (color or grayscale) are permitted. (For details consult the O fficial NSG Organized Play Policies)\nYou should enter your decklists when registering on Otherwise\, please send me your decklist s before the event starts at\, preferably as a netrunnerdb link or a .txt-file.\nOpaque sleeves are mandatory.\nTO will p articipate depending on the number of attendees and parity.\nFood and Drin ks\nThe venue is in the heart of Neukölln\, so there a lot of food option s nearby. There is also a Penny within two minutes of walking\, and the ve nue has a sink\, a fridge\, a stovetop and an oven that can be used to pre pare food.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
As we are nearing the release of the second part of the Liberation cycle\, the standard meta after worlds has somewha t settled\, and we expect the CBI to solidify most of the rest. Hence\, it seems more sensible to make our second H2 2023 event another Startup even t implementing the new Startup Ban List! With this in mind\, we invite you back to our journey to Brazil from the cold north of the Gul f of Ob!
\nThis tournament will be conducted via Aesop's Tables:\nLink to the Tournament
\nWe have switched locations from the last t ime around! We will be playing in the Genossenschaftstreff in Reuterstraß e 90 near U Boddinstraße\, which has generously been to provided to us by Sebastian (@sebki a>)!
\nDETAILS - How to get in
\nYou will have to ring two bel ls and go through two apartment buildings: At the entrance at Reuterstraß e 90\, there is a big button saying something akin to "\;Mitgliederzen trum"\;. Ring that\, and go through the building to enter the courtyar d. There\, you should see a sign pointing to the next door where you have to ring the bell again. Go through that second building to enter the secon d courtyard behind it. The entrance to the venue is in this second courtya rd\, and someone should be there welcoming you in.
\nPlease send me an e-mail at to register and receive payment details.\nWe will be taking an entry/participation/or ganizational fee of 10\,- EUR\, if booked before the end of Jan 28\, 13\,- EUR after that and 15\ ,- EUR at the venue. This can be paid preferably via online trans fer\, but in a pinch payment in cash at the venue is also possible.
\n< h1>Event\nThis will be the official Berlin Startup Circuit Opener for 2023 H2.\nThe event starts at 10:00 local time and is planned to conclude by 19:00\, and we will have at least a 30 min break i n between.\nWe will probably have dinner afterwards\, so feel free to join .\nThe games will probably not be streamed. I will put up an announcement if we do end up being able to stream them.
\nTO is Girometics (Girometics#2007 on Discord).\nWe will be playing 5 (five) or 6 (six) rounds of Single-sided Swiss\, depending on time\, and have a Top 3 Cut if we are at least 8 players. In case something goes wrong\, we will default to 4 (four) rounds of Double-sided Swiss.\nAllowed sets: System Ga teway\, System Update 2021\, Borealis Cycle (Midnight Sun + Parhelion) and The Automata Initiative.\nWe will apply the latest Startup Ban List.< /strong>\nProxies of acceptable quality (color or grayscale) are permitted . (For details consult the Official NSG Organ ized Play Policies)\nYou should enter your decklists when registering on< /a>. Otherwise\, please send me your decklists before the event st arts at\, preferably as a netrunnerdb link or a .txt-file.\nOpaque sleeves are mandatory.\nTO will participate d epending on the number of attendees and parity.
\nThe venue is in the heart of Neukölln\, so there a lot of food op tions nearby. There is also a Penny within two minutes of walking\, and th e venue has a sink\, a fridge\, a stovetop and an oven that can be used to prepare food.