BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4045alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240115 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240408 URL: SUMMARY:Fite Club -season 2024 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Results:\n\nSBT\nUnband NeuroFire\nMr.Muntal\, NWE\nEA Sports\, TAI Augrey v2\, 6 jank decks in a trenchcoat\, Virginia Biotech\nUnband I ceHeart\, Snare Bears\, Steel City Grid\, Team Clearingscouse\, the first time each turn you create a queer server\, Oracle Fitetank\, Savage Power Boys\, Psi Game\nTAI CuRuPiRa\, The Prodigal Runners\, TFP+1\, Draw 1 Que er Card\, TAI Living Wural\, Ms.Bost\, 2 Queer 2 message\, Prairie Grid Pl ayers\, [Git Gud\, Get Gendies]\, Free Drago\, 风和日丽\, Q™\, NCN & gt\; NBN\n\nThe time has come!\nFite Club is an event where testing teams and groups of friends compete in a one-is-left-standing melee sprawling ov er the spring 2024.\nThis year we are testing a revised format and will lo ok forward you all enjoying it and your feedback for the new system. Bigge st chances are that everyone can sign up and most of the Fite Club will be played in asynchronous format.\nFear not\, the Grand Finals will be held as a big stream event you have all come to know and love.\nMore info avail able here:\n\nYou can sign up here\, starting i mmediately and ending 15.1.24\n\nIf you are looking for a team\, fill and check out this sheet:\n CLfT\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
\nThe time has come!
\nFite Club is an eve nt where testing teams and groups of friends compete in a one-is-left-stan ding melee sprawling over the spring 2024.
\nThis year we are testin g a revised format and will look forward you all enjoying it and your feed back for the new system. Biggest chances are that everyone can sign up and most of the Fite Club will be played in asynchronous format.
\nFear not\, the Grand Finals will be held as a big stream event you have all co me to know and love.
\nMore info available here:\n eClubInfo
\nYou can sign up here\, starting immediately and ending 1 5.1.24\n
\nIf you are looking for a team\, fill and check out this sheet:\n