BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4035alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Edmonton:20231230T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Edmonton:20231230T235900 URL: p LOCATION:1835B 10 Ave SW\, Calgary\, AB T3C 0K2\, Canada SUMMARY:Calgary Q4 Xmas GNK - Startup CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:I've a second Startup prize kit - lets use it for some Christma s break fun. WE WILL BE USING THE POKERUNNER RULES BELOW\nThis will be a c asual for fun event\, try something new out or some crazy jank!\n\nAs with prior events this'll be 6 rounds of single sided swiss\n\nFee: $5 to cove r the kit and table rental\nCapacity: Given last times layout\, we've prob ably got about 10 spots\nShop PiCat!: PiCat will be attending - if there's anything you want from her store you can pick it up at the event! https:/ /\nPokeRunner we will be using the following fun ru les in this tournament:\n\nAs well as your standard corp/runner deck you w ill create a 6 card side deck for each which will be “Prize Cards”\nPr ize Cards deck creation follow these rules:\noMust be 6 cards\noMust be ne utral or out of faction cards only\noCumulative influence of the 6 cards c annot exceed 12\noCannot include a 4th copy of any card already in your de ck\noCannot include second copies of limited cards\nHow it works\noThe sid e deck will be shuffled and face-down to the side of the main play area\no It is not a runnable/remote server or anything – purely out of play\noOn scoring an Agenda then you may draw the scored agenda points worth of car ds from your side deck.\nIe if you score a 3 point Agenda then you woul d draw 3 cards from your side-deck\noThe draw is done AT THE START of your following turn.\nThis draw will not save you from flatlining\nIt is in addition to the normal Corp mandatory draw\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

I've a second Startup prize kit - lets use it for some Christmas break fun. WE WILL BE USING THE POKERUNNER R ULES BELOW


This will be a casual for fun event\, try some thing new out or some crazy jank!


Fee: $5 to cover the kit and table rental


Capacity: Given last times layout\, we've probably got about 10 spots


Shop PiCat!: PiCat will be attending - if there's anything you want from her store you can pick it up at the event! https://picats-art.sq


PokeRunner we will be using the following fun rules in this tournament: