BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:403alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20170416T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20170416T235900 URL: LOCATION:6 Butler St\, Preston PR1 8BN\, UK SUMMARY:Preston BABW CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nWe're hosting a Bring A Brit to Worlds Qualifier!\nBring Anot her Brit to Worlds is commuity ran tournament to help boost the British co ntinget at the Android Netrunner World Championships in America this Novem ber.\nAll across the UK there qualifiers are being held to find the best N etrunner Players to enter the BABW Final in London.\nThe winner of the Lon don final will receive financial support to attend the Android World Champ ionships!\nWhen? Sunday 16th April\nWhat time? 12 noon\nHow much? £10\nNe w Most Wanted List and FAQ will be in effect.\nYou will require 1 runner a nd 1 corporation deck and decklists.\nDECK LISTS WILL BE REQUIRED FOR THIS EVENT.\nEmail\n(please include your name!)\nHan d written deck lists will be accepted on the day.\n(It would be preferable if you use the FFG deck list sheet for hand written deck lists\, copies w ill be available on the day\, for less stress\, bring a pen)\nWinner(s) wi ll receive an invite to the BABW Final and compete for a trip to WORLDS\nP rizes will be from the latest GNK kit\, plus some some custom tokens\, and the exclusive BABW Participation alt art!\n(Exact prizes TBC)\nIf you don 't make the cut\, but are still after more Netrunning shenanigans\, we hav e a draft set for 6 players. (There is no extra charge for the draft)\n(We could also play a little Ashes of the Phoneixborn on the side ... sssh)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



We're hosting a Bring A Brit to Worlds Q ualifier!


Bring Another Brit to Worlds is commuity ran to urnament to help boost the British continget at the Android Netrunner Worl d Championships in America this November.


All across the UK there qualifiers are being held to find the best Netrunner Players to enter the BABW Final in London.


The winner of the London final will receive financial support to attend the Android World Championships!


When? Sunday 16th April\nWhat time? 12 noon\nHow much? £10


New Most Wanted List and FAQ will be in effect.


You will req uire 1 runner and 1 corporation deck and decklists.


DECK LISTS WIL L BE REQUIRED FOR THIS EVENT.\nEmail\n(please in clude your name!)\nHand written deck lists will be accepted on the day.


(It would be preferable if you use the FFG deck list sheet for hand written d eck lists\, copies will be available on the day\, for less stress\, bring a pen)


Winner(s) will receive an invite to the BABW Final and comp ete for a trip to WORLDS


Prizes will be from the latest GNK kit\, plus some some custom tokens\, and the exclusive BABW Participation alt ar t!


(Exact prizes TBC)


If you don't make the cut\, but are still after more Netrunning shenanigans\, we have a draft set for 6 player s. (There is no extra charge for the draft)


(We could also play a little Ashes of the Phoneixborn on the side ... sssh)