BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4021alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Riga:20231217T150000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Riga:20231217T235900 URL: tup-tournament LOCATION:Aleksandra Čaka iela 58\, Latgales priekšpilsēta\, Rīga\, LV-1 011\, Latvia SUMMARY:Rīga Netrunner Revival: Startup tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Our first casual tournament with the new Null Signal Games card pool! Newish and inexperienced players are very welcome\, our play group isn't super competitively minded\, but we might not have time to teach the game to completely new players this time.\nEntry: free\nLocation: UniCon Cafe\, Aleksandra Čaka iela 58\, Rīga\nFormat: Startup (https://nullsign\nBanlist: Startup format has none!\nRound time: 40 minutes or until everyone is finished\nNumber of rou nds: 4-5 Single Sided Swiss rounds\, depending on player count\, Top 4 sin gle elimination\nPrizes:\n16x alternate art Imp (art by Līga Smilškalne) \n2x alternate art Apex (art by Andreas Zafiratos)\n2x Haas-Bioroid click tracker sets\nSanjay's hand drawn alt arts:\n4x Ayla "\;Bios"\; Ra him: Simulant Specialist\n4x Jinteki: Personal Evolution\n3x Professional Contacts\n6x Vasilisa\nThe venue has drinks and snacks\, and we will likel y order something more filling to be delivered partway through.\nResults a nd decks will be recorded in Aesop's Tables ( ) but you may ask to be anonymized if you wish.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Our first casual tournament with the new Nu ll Signal Games card pool! Newish and inexperienced players are very welco me\, our play group isn't super competitively minded\, but we might not ha ve time to teach the game to completely new players this time.


Ent ry: free
\nLocation: UniCon Cafe\, Aleksandra Čaka iela 58\, Rīga\nFormat: Startup ( #startup)
\nBanlist: Startup format has none!
\nRound time: 40 m inutes or until everyone is finished
\nNumber of rounds: 4-5 Single S ided Swiss rounds\, depending on player count\, Top 4 single elimination\n

\n16x alternate art Imp (art by Līga Smilškalne)
\n2x alternate art Apex (art by Andreas Zafiratos)
\n2x Haas-Bioroi d click tracker sets
\nSanjay's hand drawn alt arts:
\n4x Ayla & quot\;Bios"\; Rahim: Simulant Specialist
\n4x Jinteki: Personal E volution
\n3x Professional Contacts
\n6x Vasilisa


The ve nue has drinks and snacks\, and we will likely order something more fillin g to be delivered partway through.


Results and decks will be recor ded in Aesop's Tables ( but you may ask to b e anonymized if you wish.