BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4015alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20231203T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20231203T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Chlausrunner & Raclette CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:'Tis the season to make merry!\nBut as everything is quieting d own and the nights are starting earlier\, there is one corporation breakin g the peace:\nGrinch Inc. are stirring up trouble and preparing to steal C hristmas...!\nBrave runners: join Samichlaus and Schmutzli to stop Grinch Inc. and save Christmas!\n--\nChristmas-inspired\, casual sealed tournamen t and Raclette for dinner!\nBut how does it work\, you ask?\nYou will brin g a pack of cards (~200 in total) and we will provide a pack of homebrew C hristmas-inspired cards to deckbuild and play a legal deck (IDs are 45 car ds\, infinite influence)! (changing decks between rounds is allowed)\nWher e: Luke's home\nWhen: 10 am registration\, 3-4 DSS rounds or 6-7 SSS round s.\nWhat: Christmas-inspired Sealed Tournament &\; Raclette\nEntry: CHF 20.- with food\, 5.- tournament only\nCorporation card pack\nRunner card pack\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

'Tis the season to make merry!


But as everything is quieting down and the nights are starting earlier\, there is one corporation breaking the peace:\nGrinch Inc. are stirring up troub le and preparing to steal Christmas...!


Brave runners: join Samich laus and Schmutzli to stop Grinch Inc. and save Christmas!


--\nChr istmas-inspired\, casual sealed tournament and Raclette for dinner!\nBut h ow does it work\, you ask?\nYou will bring a pack of cards (~200 in total) and we will provide a pack of homebrew Christmas-inspired cards to deckbu ild and play a legal deck (IDs are 45 cards\, infinite influence)! (changi ng decks between rounds is allowed)


Where: Luke's home\nWhen: 10 a m registration\, 3-4 DSS rounds or 6-7 SSS rounds.\nWhat: Christmas-inspir ed Sealed Tournament &\; Raclette\nEntry: CHF 20.- with food\, 5.- tour nament only


Corporation card pack\nRun ner card pack