BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3994alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20231209T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20231209T235900 URL: LOCATION:6500 Taylor Rd SW\, Reynoldsburg\, OH 43068\, USA SUMMARY:OH-CO 2023 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Join us at Loot Box Games in Reynoldsburg on December 9th for o ur very first OH-CO!!!\nIN BRIEF\nBoosted CO Kit\, H2 2023\nStandard Singl e-Sided Swiss Six Srounds\n1 PM start time\n40 minutes per round\nTop 4 Do uble Elimination (4/5 rounds)\nStore open from noon to midnight\nSCHEDULE\ nPlayer Meeting: 12:50 PM\nRound 1: 1 PM\nBreak: 4 PM\nRound 4: 5 PM\nTop Cut: 8 PM\nThis event will be Standard format\, single-sided swiss\, with 40 minutes per round. There will be 6 rounds\, with a break before Round 4 \, and a cut to Top 4 (Double Elimination).\nIf you need to print off prox ies\, please do so ahead of time! There will be no printer access at the v enue\, but we’ll have templates for handwritten proxies\, just in case.\ nThis will be a Casual-Tier Sanctioned Event according to NSG’s OP polic ies. Players are expected to abide by the Community Code of Conduct.\nH2 2 023 CO Kit (Boosted)\nWinner: Invitation to the 2024 Circuit Breaker Invit ational Championship.\nTop 4: “Banner” Playmat (illus. BalanceSheet)\n Top 8: 3 x Moshing (illus. Oliver Morit)\nTop 16: 3 x Magnet (illus. Feren c Patkós)\nMore prizing options are being considered as well. Please reac h out if you have any questions!!!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Join us at Loot Box Games in Re ynoldsburg on December 9th for our very first OH-CO!!!


IN BRIEF\nBoosted CO Kit\, H2 2023\nStandard Single-Si ded Swiss Six Srounds\n1 PM start time\n40 minutes per round\nTop 4 Double Elimination (4/5 rounds)\nStore open from noon to midnight


SCHEDULE\nPlayer Meeting: 12:50 PM\nRound 1: 1 PM\nBreak: 4 PM\ nRound 4: 5 PM\nTop Cut: 8 PM


This event will be Standard format\, single-sided swiss\, with 40 minutes per round. There will be 6 rounds\, with a break before Round 4\, and a cut to Top 4 (Double Elimination).


If you need to print off proxies\, please do so ahead of time! There will be no printer access at the venue\, but we’ll have templates for ha ndwritten proxies\, just in case.


This will be a Casual-Tier Sanct ioned Event according to NSG’s OP policies. Players are expected to abid e by the Community Code of Conduct.


H2 2023 CO Kit (Booste d)\nWinner: Invitation to the 2024 Circuit Breaker Invitational C hampionship.\nTop 4: “Banner” Playmat (illus. BalanceSheet)\nTop 8: 3 x Moshing (illus. Oliver Morit)\nTop 16: 3 x Magnet (illus. Ferenc Patkós )


More prizing options are being considered as well. Please reach out if you have any questions!!!