BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3992alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231209 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20231210 URL: SUMMARY:OKORINA 5 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:“You aren’t the only type of runner in New Angeles.”\n-Ka ti Jones\nWhat if Ms. Jones was wrong? In the Only Kind Of Runner In New A ngeles (OKORINA) format\, we imagine what Netrunner would be like if you c ould take on a new Netrunner friend as your identity.\nThis is a format in vented by @sanjay. This tournament is organized by me with blessing and in put by @sanjay.\nFormat Details\nInstead of choosing a standard identity\, you pick a non-neutral\, unique connection resource\, and start the game with that as your identity after triggering any “when installed” abili ties as if you had installed it.\nOn the corp side\, instead of picking a standard identity\, you pick a non-neutral agenda\, and start the game wit h that as your identity after triggering any “when scored” abilities a s if you had scored it.\nEach legal resource and agenda has received a min imum decksize and a maximum influence size (as well as starting link and s ubtypes).\nThe full list of legal IDs is here and here is the FAQ.\nTourna ment Details\nThe Tournament will be held online via the NSG Event Hub Dis cord. There is a role and channel for OKORINA. Get the role (from #roles) to receive pings at the checkin and tournament.\nTournament will start 17: 00 UTC and we will play SSS for probably 8-10 Rounds depending on Number o f Players.\nRegister here. Be in the Discord 16:45 UTC and be registered s o that we can start on time.\nPrizes\nThis is a community event for fun. H owever Winner has the traditional prize of designing a new ID for the OKOR INA (from eg neutral cards). Also Fame and Glory.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
“You aren’t the only type of runner in New Angeles.”
\n-Kati Jones
\nWhat if Ms. Jones was wrong? In the Only Kind Of Runner In New Angeles (OKORINA) format\, we im agine what Netrunner would be like if you could take on a new Netrunner fr iend as your identity.
\nThis is a format invented by @sanjay. This tournament is organized by me with blessing and input by @sanjay.
\nInstead of choosing a standard identity\, you pic k a non-neutral\, unique connection resource\, and start the game with tha t as your identity after triggering any “when installed” abilities as if you had installed it.
\nOn the corp side\, instead of picking a s tandard identity\, you pick a non-neutral agenda\, and start the game with that as your identity after triggering any “when scored” abilities as if you had scored it.
\nEach legal resource and agenda has received a minimum decksize and a maximum influence size (as well as starting link and subtypes).
\nThe full list of legal IDs is here and here is the FAQ.
\nThe Tournament will be held online via the NSG Event Hub Discord. There is a role and channel for OKORINA. Get the role (from # roles) to receive pings at the checkin and tournament.
\nTournament will start 17:00 UTC and we will play SSS for probably 8-10 Rounds dependi ng on Number of Players.
\nRegister here. Be in the Discord 16:45 UTC and be registered so that we can start on time.
\nThis is a community e vent for fun. However Winner has the traditional prize of designing a new ID for the OKORINA (from eg neutral cards). Also Fame and Glory.