BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3989alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231210T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231210T235900 URL: s-cafe LOCATION:15 Cricklewood Broadway\, London NW2 3JX\, UK SUMMARY:London H2 CO #2 (@ Zombie Games Cafe) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Announcing the (slightly more last-minute than the last one\, b ut still less last minute than the first one) 1st London H2 Circuit Opener \, set to be the last UK event of 2023!*\nUPDATE - due to the venue openin g time being during peak lunch hours\, start time has been moved from 12.3 0 to 13.00 to allow people time to eat lunch before tournament start. We w ill then play through the day with no lunch break. Registration will still be from 12.00. See you then &\; Bon Appetit!\nTickets are available on Zombie Games Cafe's Website. Please pre-purchase before entry if you can\ , as spaces may be limited.\nRegistration at 12.00pm for a 13.00 start.\nR ounds will be dependent on attendance but at least 4 rounds\nEntry will be £15\nPrizing will be standard H2 Prizing (boosted if over 24 participant s) as well as additional prizing from your one-and-only\, extra-special\, ever-evolving LONDON PRIZE VAULT (See below for full prizing details\, acc ept no crude Hampshire-based imitations)\nFormat will be standard with lat est MWL\n\nVen ue is Zombie Games Café\nNearest Stations are Cricklewood Rail Station\, Kilburn on the Metropolitan/Jubilee line\, or Brondesbury Overground stati on)\nFood will be available to order on site\, and there is a selection of restaurants and shops nearby.\nTicket Link is available on Zombie Cafe's Website\n*at time of writing &\; subject to further notice. You better not try anything funny\, Aldershot...\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Announcing the (slightly more last-minute t han the last one\, but still less last minute than the first one) 1st London H2 Circuit Opener\, set to be the last UK event of 202 3!*
\nUPDATE - due to the venue opening time being during peak lunch hours\, start time has been moved from 12.30 to 13.00 to allow people time to eat lunch before tournament start. We will then play through the day with no lunch break. Registratio n will still be from 12.00. See you then &\; Bon Appetit!
\ nTickets are available on Zombie Games Cafe's Website a>. Please pre-purchase before entry if you can\, as spaces may be limited .
\nRegistration at 12.00pm for a 13.00 start.
\ nRounds will be dependent on attendance but at least 4 rounds
\nEntry will be £15
\nPrizin g will be standard H2 Prizing (boosted if over 24 participants) a s well as additional prizing from your one-and-only\, extra-special\, ever -evolving LONDON PRIZE VAULT (See below for full prizing details\, accept no crude Hampshire-based imitations)
\nFormat will be standard with latest MWL\n rmats/#standard
\nVenue is Zombie Games Café
\nNearest Stations are Cricklewood Rail Station\, Kilbur n on the Metropolitan/Jubilee line\, or Brondesbury Overground station)
\nFood will be available to order on site\, and there is a selection of restaurants and shops nearby.
\nTicket Li nk is available on Zombie Cafe's Website
\n*at time of writing &\; subject to further notice. You better not try anything f unny\, Aldershot...