BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3985alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240127T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240127T235900 URL: LOCATION:6 Wellington St\, Aldershot GU11 1DZ\, UK SUMMARY:Jank-uary Odds or Evens CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Inspired by a series of beer and burrito fuelled conversations at UK Nationals...\nFormat : Standard\nThe Jank : Odds or Evens\nRules : B uild a standard legal decks\, but each deck can only include cards with a play cost of either Odd or Even\nPlease do reach out on Slack or GLC if yo u have Jank rules questions\, here is a list of FAQs I have already been a sked:\nCan I include zero cost cards? - No\nWhat about variable cost card s? - You can include these in either type of deck\, and play them at any amount\, regardless of your deck type. This includes Agendas\, both X cost and those that have advancement requirement reduced\nCan I pay 0 for a va riable cost card? - Yes\n** What about agendas** - same rules\, the agend a cost must fit with you deck (e.g. 2/1\, 4/2 are even\, 3/1\, 3/2 and 5/3 are odd)\nDoesn’t this make Diviner super powerful - look if you are ru nning an Odd runner deck\, install a decoder before you run\nWhat about Ob ? - extra points for playing a blank ID\nDo both my runner and corp need to be the same type? - No\nCan I play Nova and/or Ampere - Sure\, we ar e all friends here\nDoes TechnoCo destroy my opponents deck\, as it change s the play cost of their cards? - no\, for the purpose of this event\, th is is considered an additional cost over the printed play cost\nIf I have included Atman in my Odd deck\, can I pay for an Even or Odd number of pow er counters - Yes\, for the purpose of this event\, this is considered an additional cost over the printed play cost so you can pay for any number of power counters\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Inspired by a series of beer and burrito fu elled conversations at UK Nationals...\nFormat : Standard \nThe Jank : Odds or Evens\nRules : Buil d a standard legal decks\, but each deck can only include cards with a pla y cost of either Odd or Even
\nPlease do reach out on Slack or GLC i f you have Jank rules questions\, here is a list of FAQs I have already be en asked:
\nCan I include zero cost cards? - No
\nWhat about variable cost cards? - You can include these in either type of deck\, and play them at any amount\, regardless of your deck type. This includes Agendas\, both X cost and those that have a dvancement requirement reduced
\nCan I pay 0 for a variable cost card? - Yes
\n** What about agendas** - same rules\, the agenda cost must fit with you deck (e.g. 2/1\, 4/2 are even\, 3/1\, 3/ 2 and 5/3 are odd)
\nDoesn’t this make Diviner super power ful - look if you are running an Odd runner deck\, install a deco der before you run
\nWhat about Ob? - extra points for playing a blank ID
\nDo both my runner and corp need to be the same type? - No
\nCan I play Nova and/or A mpere - Sure\, we are all friends here
\nDoes TechnoCo destroy my opp onents deck\, as it changes the play cost of their cards? - no\, for the purpose of this event\, this is considered an additional cost ove r the printed play cost
\nIf I have included Atman in my Odd deck\, can I pay fo r an Even or Odd number of power counters - Yes\, for the purpos e of this event\, this is considered an additional cost over the printed p lay cost so you can pay for any number of power counters