BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3975alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20231119T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20231119T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Toronto PATH CO CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Hello netrunners! Soon we will be running a tournament in the T oronto PATH\, because it's funny. Please note it won't be happening in th e hotel proper\, but in a nearby food court. Registration will be $10\, wi th a tentative option for delivered pizza for $10 during a meal break.\nIF you have any questions at all regarding the location\, please call me at (647) Five Zero Four-0589. If there's any issues regarding the entrance fe e\, or if you would like to borrow decks or any other materials\, please d o not hesitate to DM me.\nDirections\, written by MGK:\nTo the hotel:\nBy TTC: Exit at Queen or Osgoode station and walk west or east on Queen St.\, respectively\, towards Bay St. The hotel is at Bay and Queen\, directly a cross from the skating rink and Nathan Phillips Square.\nBy car: Address i s 123 Queen St W\; there is a public parking lot directly across the hotel ( ips-square-garage-reduced-parking-sept-to-dec/)\nTo the venue:\nFrom Union station (assuming you're using another form of public transportation besi de TTC initially): You can take the TTC to Queen or Osgoode\, I recommend Osgoode\, otherwise\, if you want to walk within the Path: head north towa rds the Royal Bank tower\, continue up the elevators to the TD tower\, str aight through to First Canadian Place\, turn left\, then continue to Richm ond-Adelaide Centre\, go up a flight of stairs\, pass a Rexall\, and desti nation is on your right. (Map attached)\nFrom hotel lobby: On the lobby fl oor of the Sherton hotel\, walk towards the Richmond elevators. Right besi de these elevators will be a set of stairs going down. Turn left at the b ottom of the stairs and within 150m will the area.\n![Image][1]⋮\n[1]: 0179/image.png?ex=65635904&\;is=6550e404&\;hm=a9240c041d781142fc2e2c 757e103c2952ef827dcde38fb86d5cb87f7a1ec1b0&\;\nAlternative set of direc tions\, written by JQ\n LRCxUCi-2DQ_BeB-A5uiTcsayO7w/edit?usp=sharing\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Hello netrunners! Soon we will be running a tournament in the Toronto PATH\, because it's funny. Please note it won' t be happening in the hotel proper\, but in a nearby food court. Registrat ion will be $10\, with a tentative option for delivered pizza for $10 duri ng a meal break.
\nIF you have any questions at all regarding the lo cation\, please call me at (647) Five Zero Four-0589. If there's any issue s regarding the entrance fee\, or if you would like to borrow decks or any other materials\, please do not hesitate to DM me.
\nDirect ions\, written by MGK:
\nTo the hotel:
\nBy TTC: Exit at Queen or Osgoode station and walk west or east on Queen St.\, respecti vely\, towards Bay St. The hotel is at Bay and Queen\, directly across fro m the skating rink and Nathan Phillips Square.
\nBy car: Address is 123 Queen St W\; there is a public parking lot directly across the hotel ( s-square-garage-reduced-parking-sept-to-dec/)
\nTo the venue:
\n< p>From Union station (assuming you're using another form of public transpo rtation beside TTC initially): You can take the TTC to Queen or Osgoode\, I recommend Osgoode\, otherwise\, if you want to walk within the Path: hea d north towards the Royal Bank tower\, continue up the elevators to the TD tower\, straight through to First Canadian Place\, turn left\, then conti nue to Richmond-Adelaide Centre\, go up a flight of stairs\, pass a Rexall \, and destination is on your right. (Map attached)\nFrom hotel lob by: On the lobby floor of the Sherton hotel\, walk towards the Richmond el evators. Right beside these elevators will be a set of stairs going down. Turn left at the bottom of the stairs and within 150m will the area.
\ n![Image][1]⋮\n[1]: 7653290065/1173271267147780179/image.png?ex=65635904&\;is=6550e404&\ ;hm=a9240c041d781142fc2e2c757e103c2952ef827dcde38fb86d5cb87f7a1ec1b0&\;
\nAlternative set of directions\, written by JQ\nh ttps:// yO7w/edit?usp=sharing