BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3973alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20231202T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20231202T235900 URL: opener LOCATION:88 W Pender St Unit 1069\, Vancouver\, BC V6B 6N9\, Canada SUMMARY:Rain City 2023 H2 Circuit Opener CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Join us at Rain City Games for our second half CO. Though run i n December\, the winner will still qualify for the Circuit Breaker invitat ional.\nEntry fee is $20 CAD.\nFormat will be Single Sided Swiss. Rounds a nd top cut based on attendance.\nWhile this is a competitive event\, newer players are very welcome.\nAttendance cap will be 20 (with a possible inc rease to 28).\nRound 1 starts at 11:30\, sharp. If you're late\, you can j oin for round 2\, but you'll forfeit your first round match.\nThis is a bo osted kit\, so it will be top 16 for Magnet\, top 8 for Moshing\, top 4 fo r the playmat\nFor more information\, join the Vancouver Discord Server\, and message me\; my username is Sindarin.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Join us at Rain City Games for our second h alf CO. Though run in December\, the winner will still qualify for the Cir cuit Breaker invitational.
\nEntry fee is $20 CAD.
\nFormat wi ll be Single Sided Swiss. Rounds and top cut based on attendance.
\nWhile this is a competitive event\, newer players are very welcome.
\n< p>Attendance cap will be 20 (with a possible increase to 28).\nRoun d 1 starts at 11:30\, sharp. If you're late\, you can join for round 2\, b ut you'll forfeit your first round match.
\nThis is a boosted kit\, so it will be top 16 for Magnet\, top 8 for Moshing\, top 4 for the playma t
\nFor more information\, join the Vancouver Discord Server\, and message me\; my username is S indarin.