BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3971alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231203T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231203T235900 URL: etrunner-christmas SUMMARY:Warwick Uni H2 CO: A Very Netrunner Christmas CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:All I want for Christ-masssssssss... is Netrunner (extremely ag gressive Christmas music starts)\nAt the time of writing\, the Christmas s tuff is out in Tesco so I'm allowed to be Christmassy.\nVenue: WT0.02 (Wes twood Teaching Centre) on Warwick University Westwood Campus. (For those o f you at the last Warwick CO\, this is very near the building we were in d uring that.)\nRegistration from: 11:00.\nTournament begins: 11:30\, with a lunch break after round 1.\nEntry fee: £6\, with all fees going towards paying for the CO kit and any surplus going towards additional participati on prizes.\nFormat: Double-Sided Swiss in Standard (with latest banlist).\ n\nThis is Warwick’s second Circuit Opener\, which being in December is going to have a Christmassy theme! Bring your best Christmas outfits (othe r Corp identities are also available) and general Christmas cheer to a cas ual Circuit Opener.\nPlease sign up if you are coming so I have an idea of numbers!\nTournament Structure\nThis is a standard format event likely co nsisting of 4\, 65 minute rounds of double-sided swiss. (If we get more pl ayers than expected\, there may be a cut\; if we get fewer\, there may onl y be three rounds. This will be confirmed at the start of the day.)\nThe f ull planned schedule is as follows\, which contains buffer time:\n11:25-11 :30: The world premier of A Festive Netrunner Story That WIll Also Explain How The Tournament Works\, I Hope\n11:30-12:45: Round 1 (including pairin g and inevitable overrun)\n12:45-13:30: Lunch break\n13:30-14:45: Round 2\ n14:45-16:00: Round 3\n16:00-17:15: Round 4\n17:15 onwards: Prizes\, cut i f necessary.\nLocation\nThe event is held on the Warwick University campus \, in the Westwood Teaching Centre on Westwood campus. There are a few way s to get here:\n\nThere is parking on Westwood Campus (although paying for it seems to be a whole thing) right next to the venue. The car park is on Avon Road.\nThe venue is a 24min walk (according to Google Maps) from Can ley station. This station is on the Birmingham to London line West Midland s (operated by West Midlands Rail).\nYou can get the 11 bus to Westwood Ca mpus or the U1 bus to University Interchange and walk a bit. The 11 goes t o Coventry station\, so if you're travelling through Coventry station you may want to get off there and take the bus.\n\nThe venue is card access on ly\, but Warwick regulars will be about to make sure that everyone can get into the building. If you have issues with card access\, or are running l ate\, message @harmonbee on Discord or Slack.\nPrizes\nPrizes consist of t he Circuit Opener H2 2023 kit distributed as is required for a CO: top 8 g et a playset of Magnet\, top 4 get a playset of Moshing and top 2 get a Ba nner playmat.\nThere will also be participation prizes for all that attend \, while my stash of prizes lasts! This consists of Kalypso's stained glas s identities\, the 2023 Q1 Game Night Kit\, and a handful of alt arts dona ted by vinegarymink.\nFinally\, I will be offering a special prize to the two most festive individuals. These prizes consist of two older playmats c ustomised to be extremely festive (Hakarł and The Artist will both be wea ring a santa hat at a minimum)\, although I may also pick up some extra la st-minute festive prizes because it seems like people are really intereste d in this.\nFestiveness will be judged by me and whoever else I can rope i nto judging\, and will be judged at the end of the tournament. There are l ots of ways you can be festive - here are some ideas!\n\nYou could wear a particularly festive outfit! Please avoid fire hazards.\nYou could put som e particularly festive alt-arts in your deck! Please make sure that they a re still legible as the card they are representing - you're welcome to che ck with me whether they're fit for play.\nYou could somehow make your deck festively themed? Honestly if you pull this off then mad props to you\, b ut you will have to justify this to me.\n\nYou don't have to do all or eve n any of these! If you've got other ideas for making yourself festive that fits a Netrunner tournament\, go for it - in the end\, anything that you can justify to the judges as festive will improve your chances. If you hav e any questions about this festive side competition\, feel free to message me asking.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
All I want for Christ-masssssssss... is Netrunner (extremely aggressive Christmas music starts)
\nAt t he time of writing\, the Christmas stuff is out in Tesco so I'm allowed to be Christmassy.
\nVenue: WT0.02 (Westwood Teaching Centre) on Warwick University Westwood Campus. (For those of you at the l ast Warwick CO\, this is very near the building we were in during that.)\n Registration from: 11:00.\nTournament begins: 11:30\, with a lunch break after round 1.\nEntry fee: £6\, with all fees going towards paying for the CO kit and any surplus going towards additional participation prizes.\nFormat: Double-Sided Swiss in Standard (with latest banlist).
\nThis is Warwick’s second Circuit Opener\, which being in December is going t o have a Christmassy theme! Bring your best Christmas outfits (other Corp identities are also available) and general Christmas cheer to a casual Cir cuit Opener.
\nPlease sign up if you are coming so I have an idea of numbers!
\nThis is a standar d format event likely consisting of 4\, 65 minute rounds of double-sided s wiss. (If we get more players than expected\, there may be a cut\ ; if we get fewer\, there may only be three rounds. This will be confirmed at the start of the day.)
\nThe full planned schedule is as follows\, which contains buffer time:\n11:25-11:30: The world pr emier of A Festive Netrunner Story That WIll Also Explain How The Tour nament Works\, I Hope\n11:30-12:45: Round 1 (including pairing and in evitable overrun)\n12:45-13:30: Lunch break\n13:30-14:45: Round 2\n14:45-1 6:00: Round 3\n16:00-17:15: Round 4\n17:15 onwards: Prizes\, cut if necess ary.
\nThe event is held on the Warwick U niversity campus\, in the Westwood Teaching Centre on Westwood campus. There are a few ways to get here:
\nThe venue is card access only\, b ut Warwick regulars will be about to make sure that everyone can get into the building. If you have issues with card access\, or are running late\, message @harmonbee on Discord or Slack.
\nP rizes consist of the Circuit Opener H2 2023 kit distributed as is required for a CO: top 8 get a playset of Magnet\, top 4 get a playset of Moshing and top 2 get a Banner playmat.
\nThere will also b e participation prizes for all that attend\, while my stash of pr izes lasts! This consists of Kalypso's stained glass identities\, the 2023 Q1 Game Night Kit\, and a handful of alt arts donated by vinegarymink.
\nFinally\, I will be offering a special prize to the two most festive individuals. These prizes consist of two older playmats customised to be extremely festive (Hakarł and The Artist will both be we aring a santa hat at a minimum)\, although I may also pick up some extra l ast-minute festive prizes because it seems like people are really interest ed in this.
\nFestiveness will be judged by me and whoever else I ca n rope into judging\, and will be judged at the end of the tournament. The re are lots of ways you can be festive - here are some ideas!
\nYou don't have to do all or even any of these! If you' ve got other ideas for making yourself festive that fits a Netrunner tourn ament\, go for it - in the end\, anything that you can justify to the judg es as festive will improve your chances. If you have any questions about t his festive side competition\, feel free to message me asking.