BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3966alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20231202T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20231202T235900 URL: LOCATION:581 83 Linköping\, Sweden SUMMARY:Linköping H2 Circuit Opener CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:REQUEST: If you're arriving by car and have space to pick someo ne up at the train station\, please contact the TO.\nOur final Netrunner e vent of the year will take place on Saturday December 2nd! Join us for a c hance to claim a spot in the Circuit Breaker Invitational and some sweet\, bendy alt-arts.\nLocation: Linköping University (building B\, entrance 2 7)\nThere will be a participation fee to cover prizes. It will be no highe r than 100 SEK\, but more participants means lower fee.\nExpect 6 rounds o f single-sided swiss and no top cut. Rounds will be 40 minutes long.\nDeck lists are mandatory. Send them by email or hand in written/printed lists a t registration.\nAs in all NSG sanctioned events\, proxies are allowed. Co lor printed proxies are preferred. Please check with the TO if you are uns ure about the potential legality of your proxies.\nIf you have any questio ns\, contact the TO (postis) using the provided email or join the Swedish discord server:\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

REQUEST: If you're arriving by car and have space to pick someone up at the train station\, please contact the TO.


Our final Netrunner event of the year will take place on Saturday De cember 2nd! Join us for a chance to claim a spot in the Circuit Breaker In vitational and some sweet\, bendy alt-arts.


Location: Linköping U niversity (building B\, entrance 27)


There will be a participation fee to cover prizes. It will be no higher than 100 SEK\, but more partici pants means lower fee.


Expect 6 rounds of single-sided swiss and n o top cut. Rounds will be 40 minutes long.


Decklists are mandatory . Send them by email or hand in written/printed lists at registration.


As in all NSG sanctioned events\, proxies are allowed. Color printed proxies are preferred. Please check with the TO if you are unsure about th e potential legality of your proxies.


If you have any questions\, contact the TO (postis) using the provided email or join the Swedish disco rd server: