BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3964alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231209T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231209T235900 URL: LOCATION:68-70 Mansfield Rd\, Nottingham NG1 3GY\, UK SUMMARY:Nottingham Netrunner H2 CO CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Nottingham Netrunner invites you to our final Circuit Opener of the year!\nVenue The Dice Cup\nRegistration from: 11:30\nTournament start : 12:00\nPrice of admission: £8 - you can buy your ticket here\nFormat: S ingle Sided Swiss\n\nThis CO will be Standard\, using the most recent banl ist\, and will be ran using single sided swiss. It's likely to be 6\, 40-m inute rounds of SSS with top cut if required\, but this depends on the num ber of players. There'll be a lunch break after R3.\nThe Dice Cup is a ful ly-vegan\, fully-accessible board game café in the heart of Nottingham (p lease no outside food or drink!) Due to the central location\, there's lot s of nearby parking - the store can validate your parking for 25% off if y ou park in the Victoria Centre car park\, or there's on-street parking abo ut 5mins walk away on Peel Street. The Dice Cup is ~20mins walk from Notti ngham Railway Station.\n\nPrize Structure: We'll have prizing following th e H2 Circuit Opener Kit\, as well as some special additional prizing:\n1st Invite to the Circuit Breaker Invitational\, choice of laser-cut runner I D by Jakuza\n2nd Banner playmat\n3rd &\; 4th 3x Moshing alt-art cards\n 5th - 8th 3x Magnet alt-art cards\nParticipation A choice of a playset/ ID of various promos from The Promo Folder Tee Em\nAdditionally\, 2 players at random who don't make top cut (if there is one!) will receive a mark di e from Bookkeeper!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Nottingham Netrunner invites you to our final Circuit Opener of the year!


Venue The Dice Cup\nRegistration from: 11:30\nTour nament start: 12:00\nPrice of admission: £8 - y ou can buy your ticket here\nFormat: Single Sided Swiss


This CO will be Standard\, using the most recent banlist\, and will be ran using single sided swiss. It's lik ely to be 6\, 40-minute rounds of SSS with top cut if required\, but this depends on the number of players. There'll be a lunch break after R3.

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The Dice Cup is a fully-vegan\, fully-accessible board game café in t he heart of Nottingham (please no outside food or drink!) Due to the centr al location\, there's lots of nearby parking - the store can validate your parking for 25% off if you park in the Victoria Centre car park\, or ther e's on-street parking about 5mins walk away on Peel Street. The Dice Cup i s ~20mins walk from Nottingham Railway Station.


Pr ize Structure: We'll have prizing following the H2 Cir cuit Opener Kit\, as well as some special additional prizing:


1st Invite to the Circuit Breaker Invitational\, choice o f laser-cut runner ID by Jakuza\n2nd Banner playmat\n3rd &\; 4th 3x Moshing alt-art cards\n5th - 8th 3x Magnet alt-art cards\nParticipation A choice of a playset/ ID of various promos from The Promo Folder Tee Em


Addi tionally\, 2 players at random who don't make top cut (if there is one!) w ill receive a mark die from Bookkeeper!