BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3963alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Moscow:20231125T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Moscow:20231125T235900 URL: ner LOCATION:Bronnitskaya Ulitsa\, 26\, Sankt-Peterburg\, Russia\, 190013 SUMMARY:Russia 2023 H2 Circuit Opener CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:RUSSIA 2023 H2 CIRCUIT OPENER\nWelcome to the final in-person e vent of the 2023 competitive Netrunner season in Russia! This time we are bringing our best decks to compete for the 2023 H2 CO kit and some sweet a dditional prizing\, including rare custom promos (see corresponding sectio n).\n\nFORMAT\nThe tournament will be played in Standard format. We expect to play 6 rounds of Single Sided Swiss\, no top cut\, but these plans are subject to change depending on the number of participants.\nDecklists are not mandatory. Proxies are permitted both in color and black/white\, exce pt handwritten ones. Please consider bringing a few spare sleeves for your decks just in case.\nRounds are 40 minutes each. There will be a 50 minut e lunch break after Round 3\, starting around 15:00.\nTournament entry fee is 800 RUB ($8)\, paid either by a bank transfer or cash on the day. Hit me up on Discord for more details. Store entry fee is 200 RUB.\nVENUE\nSa me as the last couple of times\, we will be playing at a board game store called Spellmarket\, the same one we use for our weekly meetups. It is loc ated in the heart of Saint Petersburg\, at 26 Bronnitskaya st\, easily acc essible by public transport. The venue is both warm and well-ventilated\, allows for outside food and drinks\, has free tea and drinking water.\n\nI t just so happens that the venue will be closed to outside visitors during that weekend\, but we managed to arrange for us to play on Saturday anywa y.\nTRAVEL TO RUSSIA\nFeeling adventurous? We understand that Russia is no t the hottest travel destination right now\, but it's not that hard to act ually get to Saint Petersburg considering the new e-visas which are now av ailable to citizens of many European countries. The city has had 0 safety concerns in the past 2 years and that's very unlikely to change considerin g its location.\nIn case you'd like to travel here\, meet the local Netrun ner scene and see the sights for yourself\, we're more than happy to have you!\n\nLodging and food are rather cheap here by European standards.\nThi ngs to read up on:\nGetting an e-visa. Regular visas are also available wi th the Russian consulate of your country in case you are ineligible for an e-visa.\nBooking a hotel on Ostrovok\, the Russian equivalent of Booking. com. It sometimes has trouble with foreign credit cards\, but many hotels offer the option of paying on the spot on arrival.\nCustoms regulations fo r individuals.\nThere are several travel routes available. Considering the re are no direct flights from Europe to Russia at the moment\, the quickes t and cheapest one remains getting to either Tallinn in Estonia 🇪🇪 o r Helsinki in Finland 🇫🇮 and taking a bus from there. You can find d ifferent providers and services by googling\, the one that came up first w hen I searched was Lux Express which has both routes available with daily buses going to and fro.\nIn case you need some assistance with your trip\, I'm happy to help! Don't be afraid to reach out if you need translation\, sightseeing company or would like to hit the best local bars.\nSee y'all in November!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
come to the final in-person event of the 2023 competitive Netrunner season
in Russia! This time we are bringing our best decks to compete for the 20
23 H2 CO kit and some sweet additional prizing\, including rare custom pro
mos (see corresponding section).\n
The tournament will be played in Standard format. We expect to play 6 rounds of Si ngle Sided Swiss\, no top cut\, but these plans are subject to ch ange depending on the number of participants.\nDecklists are not mandatory . Proxies are permitted both in color and black/white\, except handwritten ones. Please consider bringing a few spare sleeves for your decks just in case.\nRounds are 40 minutes each. There will be a 50 minute lunch break after Round 3\, starting around 15:00.\nTournament entry fee is 800 RUB ($ 8)\, paid either by a bank transfer or cash on the day. Hit me up on Disc ord for more details. Store entry fee is 200 RUB.
Same as the last couple of times\, we will be playing at a board game stor
e called Spellmarket
\, the same one we use for our weekly meetups. It is located in the he
art of Saint Petersburg\, at 26 Bronnitskaya st\, easily accessible by pub
lic transport. The venue is both warm and well-ventilated\, allows for out
side food and drinks\, has free tea and drinking water.\n\nIt just so happens that the venue will be closed to outside
visitors during that weekend\, but we managed to arrange for us to play o
n Saturday anyway.
Feeling adventurous?
We understand that Russia is not the hottest travel destination right now
\, but it's not that hard to actually get to Saint Petersburg considering
the new e-visas which are now available to citizens of many European count
ries. The city has had 0 safety concerns in the past 2 years and that's ve
ry unlikely to change considering its location.\nIn case you'd like to tra
vel here\, meet the local Netrunner scene and see the sights for yourself\
, we're more than happy to have you!\n\nLodging and food are rather cheap here by
European standards.
Things to read up on:\nGetting an e-visa. Regular visas are also available with the Russian consulate of your country in case you are ineligible for an e- visa.\nBooking a hotel on Ostrovok\, the Russian equivalent of It sometimes has trouble with forei gn credit cards\, but many hotels offer the option of paying on the spot o n arrival.\n Customs regulations for individuals.
\nThere are several travel routes available. Considering there are no direct flights from Europe to R ussia at the moment\, the quickest and cheapest one remains getting to eit her Tallinn in Estonia 🇪🇪 or Helsinki in Finland 🇫🇮 and taking a bus from there. You can find different providers and services by googli ng\, the one that came up first when I searched was Lux Express which has both routes available with daily buses going to and fro.
\nIn case you need some assistance with you r trip\, I'm happy to help! Don't be afraid to reach out if you need trans lation\, sightseeing company or would like to hit the best local bars.
\nSee y'all in November!