BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:396alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20170218T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20170218T235900 URL: c LOCATION:9 Moon St\, Plymouth PL4\, UK SUMMARY:Plymouth - Dark Star Gaming - SC CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nDark Star Gaming are proud to announce our (confusingly title d) second annual Store Championships for Android: Netrunner! Last year has been fantastic for our Netrunner scene and looks to be continuing with no limit!\nAs is traditional we're holding off as late as is reasonable. If you really want that bye and haven't been able to grab one\, look no furth er! We also reason that by this time everyone should have had a good chanc e to play with and become familiar with the last pack of the cycle\, and t hus our tournament should hopefully be most likely well rounded for partic ipants.\nFor those not familiar with the prize pool:\n\n\nTop 32: An alter nate-art version of the ever useful PAD Campaign asset\, depicting a happy family all ignoring eachother over dinner.\n\nTop 8: A handsome Anarch-th emed deckbox to hold your decks.\n\nTop 4: The return of the playmats! A r ichly coloured\, matching playmat featuring the artwork for the Anarch car d 'Run Amok'.\n\nTop 2: A large acrylic token for use with the core-set ca rd Femme Fatale to easily track which troublesome ice you've 'seduced'.\n\ nFirst Place: In addition to the first-round bye card to ease you into a r egional\, this year you will also receive a beautiful printed plaque for y our mantlepiece. So you can awkwardly explain what a 'Living Card Game' is to uninitiated friends and family! (We've all been there.)\n\nEntry fee w ill be £10\, no need to pre-book but if you do want to please just post o n the Dark Star Gaming Facebook group!\nJoking aside\, Netrunner events la st year were all joys to run and without a shadow of insincerity I must sa y meeting new people in the community is the real reward and I anticipate this year will be no different.\nFor those of you who haven't yet visited our store since we moved mid-last year you will no doubt be pleasantly sur prised. Our floor space is much greater\, we have a functioning toilet (di sabled friendly no less!)\, and we are located near the very beautiful and historic Barbican area of Plymouth.\nIf all these factors can't persuade you to come visit on the 18th of February to play some Netrunner\, I don't know what will!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
\nDark Star Gaming are proud to announc
e our (confusingly titled) second annual Store Championships for Android:
Netrunner! Last year has been fantastic for our Netrunner scene and looks
to be continuing with no limit!
As is traditional we're holding of f as late as is reasonable. If you really want that bye and haven't been a ble to grab one\, look no further! We also reason that by this time everyo ne should have had a good chance to play with and become familiar with the last pack of the cycle\, and thus our tournament should hopefully be most likely well rounded for participants.
\nFor those not familiar with the prize pool:
\nEntry fee will be £10\, no need to pre-boo k but if you do want to please just post on the Dark Star Gaming Facebook group!
\nJoking aside\, Netrunner events last year were all joys to run and without a shadow of insincerity I must say meeting new people in t he community is the real reward and I anticipate this year will be no diff erent.
\nFor those of you who haven't yet visited our store since we moved mid-last year you will no doubt be pleasantly surprised. Our floor space is much greater\, we have a functioning toilet (disabled friendly no less!)\, and we are located near the very beautiful and historic Barbican area of Plymouth.
\nIf all these factors can't persuade you to come visit on the 18th of February to play some Netrunner\, I don't know what will!