BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3956alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231030 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20231205 URL: SUMMARY:Swiss Meta & Friends CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Swiss Meta &\; Friends (online)\nKeep the Turbine going... h uiiii\nAll Netrunner players located in Switzerland are welcome\, as are o ur friends in other places. It is meant as a community tournament\, so it would be preferable if you are connected to switzerland and its people in some way. I would also recommend using voice chat during rounds which make s it easier to connect.\nFormat\nStandard\nRounds / Weeks: 5-6 (depending on player count)\nStart: First pairings will be out every Monday starting on October 30th\nTo encourage diversity for this event\, you get 1 point f or each different ID you played. So for maximum points you preferably play a different ID each game. Those extra points will be added after the last round.\n\n\nRegistrations are open until Sunday evening 8 o'clock\nPairin gs will be updated each Monday around 12 o'clock\, starting October 30th o n\n\nOnce you know your opponent you can schedule your games.\nYou play both sides and you have one week time to make that happen. You don't have to play both games at the same time.\nIf you live in the same area\, you can of course play those games in person\nReport your results on disc ord in the newly created channel Swiss Meta &\; Friends in the the Swis s Discord server. Please also report which ID's you played.\n\n\nEntry fee \nThere is an optional entry fee of 5 CHF. I have no official prizes ready \, but I could add some loot from worlds in Barcelona. If you feel like pl aying for prizes please feel free to twint me something. I will take that into account.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Swiss Meta &\; Friends (online)

\n< p>Keep the Turbine going... huiiii


All Netrunner players located in Switzerland are welcome\, as are our friends in other places. I t is meant as a community tournament\, so it would be preferable if you ar e connected to switzerland and its people in some way. I would also recomm end using voice chat during rounds which makes it easier to connect.




Standard\nRounds / Weeks: 5-6 (depending on player cou nt)\nStart: First pairings will be out every Monday starting on October 30 th\nTo encourage diversity for this event\, you get 1 point for each diffe rent ID you played. So for maximum points you preferably play a different ID each game. Those extra points will be added after the last round.


Entry fee


There is an optional entry fee of 5 CHF. I have no official prizes ready\, but I could add some loot from worlds in Barcelona. If you feel like playing for prizes please feel free to twint me something. I wil l take that into account.