BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3952alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240106 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240107 URL: SUMMARY:New Years Showdown 🌍 🌎 H2 CO CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Start Time: 8am Seattle (PST) and 16:00 UTC - I'm hoping this w ill be as convened as possible for as many people as possible (sorry APAC) . Check your timezone here.\nWatch the Stream here\nBuy your ticket here 1 5$* USD\nTicket sales deadline is 30mins before the start of the player me eting. Please try and have decklists submitted before then as well\, but D L deadline is the player meeting.\nThis will be an H2 CO kit with addition al prizes and basic USPS world wide shipping included. Please put it on yo ur calendars and join for a wonderful day of netrunner. CBI invites will b e valid for the 2025 CBI.\nWe will be playing 8 rounds of single sided swi ss in standard format. With a cut to top 4 if we have16-32 players\, if we get 33+ we will do a cut to top 8. This will be a lot of netrunner\, but from my experience this is the best way to run a medium - large event.\nI hope competitors will take this as an opportunity to practice for the CBI and/or play creative decks they would like to showcase on the internationa l stage. 😃\nGames will be played on\, I will be coordinatin g the event through the Null Signal online events hub Discord server. You can join the server here we will be using the #online-store-championship c hannel for announcements.\nThe event will be streamed\, if you have intere st or availability to help stream the event please reach out to me on disc ord!\n*My main goal in running this tournament online is to increase the a ccessibility of competitive netrunner. I have made an effort to keep the t icket price affordable\, but I want to make sure cost isn't a barrier for anyone who would like to join. If you are hesitant to play because of the cost reach out to me on discord @maninthem00n I have a sliding scale ticke t option available. ❤️\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Start Time: 8am Seattle (PST) and 1 6:00 UTC - I'm hoping this will be as convened as possible for as many people as possible (sorry APAC). Check your timezone here.
\nBuy your ticket here 15$* USD\nTicket sale s deadline is 30mins before the start of the player meeting. Please try an d have decklists submitted before then as well\, but DL deadline is the pl ayer meeting.
\nThis will be an H2 CO kit with additional prizes and basic USPS world wide shipping included. Please put it on your calendars and join for a wonderful day of netrunner. CBI invites will be valid for t he 2025 CBI.
\nWe will be playing 8 rounds of single sided swiss in standard format. With a cut to top 4 if we have16-32 players\, if we get 3 3+ we will do a cut to top 8. This will be a lot of netrunner\, but from m y experience this is the best way to run a medium - large event.
\nI hope competitors will take this as an opportunity to practice for the CBI and/or play creative decks they would like to showcase on the internation al stage. 😃
\nGames will be played on\, I will be coo rdinating the event through the Null Signal online events hub Discord serv er. You can join the server here we will be using the #online-store-championship channel for announcem ents.
\nThe event will be streamed\, if you have interest or availab ility to help stream the event please reach out to me on discord!
\n*My main goal in running this tournament online is to increase the accessi bility of competitive netrunner. I have made an effort to keep the ticket price affordable\, but I want to make sure cost isn't a barrier for anyone who would like to j oin. If you are hesitant to play because of the cost reach out to me on di scord @maninthem00n I have a sliding scale ticket option available. ❤️