BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3933alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Adelaide:20231028T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Adelaide:20231028T235900 URL: w-a-halloween-twist LOCATION:Level 1/50 King William St\, Adelaide SA 5000\, Australia SUMMARY:ADL Netrunner GNK - Startup w/ a Halloween twist CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:To celebrate the spooky season\, a Startup GNK with a blatantly stolen twist: Costume Party! Each Runner and Corp deck will masquerade as a character from times gone by\, but don't be fooled!\nTo don a sweet cos tume and jam silly games for this event\, follow these steps!\n\nFor each of your decks\, choose any ID from the game's history (with a few bans).\n Build your deck as if the chosen ID was a different faction.\nUse the Star tup cardpool (with a couple of bans)!\n\nWhich foul villains have been rem oved from consideration? So glad you asked.\nRunner: Liza\, Leela\nCorp: T itan\, PU\, IG\, Mti\, Skorpios\nEndurance and Drago Ivanov are also banne d for this event.\nAdditionally: Adam\, Apex\, and Sunny are available but have 17 influence each. Adam must start with his directives from Data &am p\; Destiny (no Find the Truth!)\nWe'll play a 3 round tournament\, prizes for everyone (especially the winner). Entry is $6.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

To celebrate the spooky season\, a Startup GNK with a blatantly stolen twist: Costume Party! Each Runner and Corp dec k will masquerade as a character from times gone by\, but don't be fooled!


To don a sweet costume and jam silly games for this event\, follo w these steps!

  1. For each of your decks\, choose any ID from the game's history (with a few bans).
  2. \n
  3. Build your deck as if the chosen ID was a different faction.
  4. \n
  5. Use the Startup cardpool (wit h a couple of bans)!
  6. \n

Which foul villains have been removed from consideration? So glad you asked.\nRunner: Liza\, Leela\nCorp: Titan \, PU\, IG\, Mti\, Skorpios


Endurance and Drago Ivanov are also ba nned for this event.


Additionally: Adam\, Apex\, and Sunny are ava ilable but have 17 influence each. Adam must start with his directives fro m Data &\; Destiny (no Find the Truth!)


We'll play a 3 round to urnament\, prizes for everyone (especially the winner). Entry is $6.