BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3930alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Edmonton:20231111T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Edmonton:20231111T235900 URL: LOCATION:1835 10 Ave SW\, Calgary\, AB T3C 0K2\, Canada SUMMARY:Calgary Q4 GNK - Startup CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcoming new players and old this will be a Startup event aime d at bringing in new folks. Come join us for a fun casual event to meet so me fellow enthusiasts and try out your decks!\nThere will be no entrance f ee for this event\, but if you sign up please commit to attend. If you can not make this one but are interested email me and i'll include you on futu re communications.\nTournament will be single-sided swiss format.\nWe have 16 reserved seats on the Mezzanine level of Sentry Box.\nWhat you need to bring!\n\nYourself\nBoth a legal Startup Corp and Runner deck\nEach deck should be uniformly sleeved in opaque backed sleeves\nCounters\, dice and tokens to track effects\, credits etc\nSustenance\n\nWhat you need to know !\n\nSentry Box opens at noon\, games start at 12:30\nSingle sided swiss f ormat [you will play an opponent with only one deck]\nDuration will depend on the number of attendees but plan for the whole afternoon minimum\nEach match time will be 40 minutes\, there will be a visible count down\, time will be called at 5 minutes and again when complete\nWhen time is called the active player finishes their turn and their opponent gets a final turn \nMatches are won via Runner Flatline\, 7 Agenda points or in the case of time being called\, most Agenda points\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Welcoming new players and old this will be a Startup event aimed at bringing in new folks. Come join us for a fun cas ual event to meet some fellow enthusiasts and try out your decks!


There will be no entrance fee for this event\, but if you sign up please c ommit to attend. If you cannot make this one but are interested email me a nd i'll include you on future communications.


Tournament will be s ingle-sided swiss format.


We have 16 reserved seats on the Mezzani ne level of Sentry Box.


What you need to bring!\n


What you need to know!