BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3929alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20231028T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20231028T235900 URL: LOCATION:9012 Research Blvd #1\, Austin\, TX 78758\, USA SUMMARY:Hack O' Lantern 4 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nNew format. New rules.\nTo celebrate the spooky season\, Hack O' Lantern returns\, with its marquee format: Costume Party! Each Runner and Corp deck will masquerade as a character from times gone by\, but don' t be fooled!\nTo don a sweet costume and jam silly games for this event\, follow these steps!\n\nFor each of your decks\, choose any ID from the gam e's history (there is a small banlist).\nBuild your deck as if the chosen ID was a different faction.\nUse the Startup cardpool!\n\nWhich foul villa ins have been removed from consideration? So glad you asked.\nRunner: Liza \, Leela\nCorp: Titan\, PU\, IG\, Mti\, Skorpios\nAdditionally: Adam\, Ape x\, and Sunny are available but have 17 influence each. Adam must start wi th his directives from Data &\; Destiny (no Find the Truth!)\nOf course \, you don't have to dress up your decks\, in which case follow normal Sta rtup deckbuilding rules. Just know that you'll be having less fun than eve ryone else.\nEndurance is BANNED for this event\, whether you dress up or not. Leave your boats at home.\nEntry fee is $10\, paid at the counter.\nT here will be 6 rounds of Single-Sided Swiss\, 40 minutes each.\nThere will be a traditional prize draft along with some spooky surprises!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



New format. New rules.


To celebrate the spooky season\, Hack O' Lantern returns\, with its marquee format: Costum e Party! Each Runner and Corp deck will masquerade as a character from tim es gone by\, but don't be fooled!


To don a sweet costume and jam s illy games for this event\, follow these steps!

  1. For each of your decks\, choose any ID from the game's history (there is a small banl ist).
  2. \n
  3. Build your deck as if the chosen ID was a different faction.
  4. \n
  5. Use the Startup cardpool!
  6. \n

Which foul villains have been removed from consideration? So glad you asked.\nRunner: Liza\, Leela\nCorp: Titan\, PU\, IG\, Mti\, Skorpios


Additionally: Adam\, Apex\, and Sunny are available but have 17 influence each. Adam must start with his directives from Data &\; Destiny (no Find the Truth!)


Of course\, you don't hav e to dress up your decks\, in which case follow normal Startup deckbu ilding rules. Just know that you'll be having less fun than everyone else.


Endurance is BANNED for this event\, whether you dress up or not. Leave your boats at home.


Entry fee is $10\, pai d at the counter.


There will be 6 rounds of Single-Sided Swiss\, 4 0 minutes each.


There will be a traditional prize draft along with some spooky surprises!