BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3925alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20231022T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20231022T235900 URL: LOCATION:6068 Maple St\, Omaha\, NE 68104\, USA SUMMARY:Omaha Circuit Opener - H2 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Join us for a fun afternoon of running the net and advancing ag endas at the award-winning Legend Comics and Coffee in Benson.\nCircuit Op eners are the smallest level of the competitive scene in Netrunner\, equiv alent to store championships. The winner will get a spot in the Circuit Br eaker Invitational\, a large event held annually by NSG. In addition to th e prizes listed below\, one mat and a playset of each prize will be given to the lowest placing player!\nPlayers should bring one runner and one cor p deck\, with opaque sleeves\, legal for the Standard format and tokens. F ormat rules are listed here: rmats/#standard and the Organized Play Policies and Code of Conduct can be found here: Mostly\, just don't be a je rk 💖\nJoin us before the tournament at 10 am for brunch at Jojo's Diner just around the corner from the venue. Registration will start at 11:30 w ith the first round starting at Noon.\nThis event will use Single Sided Sw iss\, likely 6 rounds\, with each round lasting 40 minutes. Players will b e matched using standing and side-parity to ensure fair games throughout t he day. As always\, please don't hesitate to call a judge to your table fo r any reason. Judges are there to adjcated disputes and help fix incorrect board states\, not to punish players for mistakes.\nIf you have any quest ions please reach out to me via Discord @GameOfDroids or post on our disco rd server\, Prairie Grid.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Join us for a fun afternoon of running the net and advancing agendas at the award-winning Legend Comics and Coffee in Benson.


Circuit Openers are the smallest level of the competitive scene in Netrunner\, equivalent to store championships. The winner will g et a spot in the Circuit Breaker Invitational\, a large event held annuall y by NSG. In addition to the prizes listed below\, one mat and a playset o f each prize will be given to the lowest placing player!


Players s hould bring one runner and one corp deck\, with opaque sleeves\, legal for the Standard format and tokens. Format rules are listed here: https://nul and the Organized Play P olicies and Code of Conduct can be found here: ayers/ Mostly\, just don't be a jerk 💖


Join us before the tourn ament at 10 am for brunch at Jojo's Diner just around the corner from the venue. Registration will start at 11:30 with the first round starting at N oon.


This event will use Single Sided Swiss\, likely 6 rounds\, wi th each round lasting 40 minutes. Players will be matched using standing a nd side-parity to ensure fair games throughout the day. As always\, please don't hesitate to call a judge to your table for any reason. Judges are t here to adjcated disputes and help fix incorrect board states\, not to pun ish players for mistakes.


If you have any questions please reach o ut to me via Discord @GameOfDroids or post on our discord server\, Prairie Grid.