BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3913alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20231202T143000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20231202T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Koblenz Circuit Opener CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Dear runners\, dear capitalists\,\nWelcome to the Koblenz Circu it Opener.\nWe're playing Startup on Saturday (02.12.2023).\nSign up: 14:0 0\n(a group of blind and partially sighted people will play table tennis b efore)\nThe tournament will start around 14:30.\nWe can play in the venue until 23:00\, so feel free to bring your standard decks for some extra Net runner fun afterwards.\nEntry fee: 15\,- €\nThere will be some free coff ee\, feel free to bring your own drinks and food.\nThe location is quite c entral\, there are plenty of options for lunch.\nWe will play Swiss Rounds depending on the number of players.\nOur location is about 20 minutes fro m Koblenz main station.\nIf you are travelling by car\, I can arrange free parking\, just email me before.\nHope to see you all soon\nMichael\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Dear runners\, dear capitalists\,


W elcome to the Koblenz Circuit Opener.\nWe're playing Startup on Saturday ( 02.12.2023).\nSign up: 14:00\n(a group of blind and parti ally sighted people will play table tennis before)


The tournament will start around 14:30.\nWe can play in the venue until 23:00\, so feel f ree to bring your standard decks for some extra Netrunner fun afterwards.< /p>\n

Entry fee: 15\,- €\nThere will be some free cof fee\, feel free to bring your own drinks and food.\nThe location is quite central\, there are plenty of options for lunch.


We will play Swis s Rounds depending on the number of players.


Our location is about 20 minutes from Koblenz main station.\nIf you are travelling by car\, I c an arrange free parking\, just email me before.


Hope to see you al l soon\nMichael