BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3897alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20230928T180000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20230928T235900 URL: LOCATION:King St\, Bristol BS1 4ER\, UK SUMMARY:Bristol Standard GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Come along for a little warm up for worlds\, or just some frien dly midweek games!\n3 Rounds of Double sided Swiss - should be finished by 10pm at the very latest.\nPlease try and let me know you are attending (e ither by registration here or message on discord/slack/text etc.) so we ca n start as soon everyone's arrived.\nProxies are fully legal and I'm happy to help with proxies\, card or decks if needed - please just reach out.\n This will be played in Standard Format un the most recent Ban List (23.09) \nWe'll be playing upstairs in the Llandoger Trow on Kings street\, Bristo l\, BS1 4ER\nAlt art Chiyashis for the Top 3\nAlt Art Afshars for the top 7\nProbably some additional Swag TBC\n£3 entry.\nAny questions at all ple ase ask!\nBaa Ram Wu.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Come along for a little warm up for worlds\ , or just some friendly midweek games!
\n3 Rounds of Double sided Sw iss - should be finished by 10pm at the very latest.
\nPlease try an d let me know you are attending (either by registration here or message on discord/slack/text etc.) so we can start as soon everyone's arrived.
\ nProxies are fully legal and I'm happy to help with proxies\, card or d ecks if needed - please just reach out.
\nThis will be played in Sta ndard Format un the most recent Ban List (23.09)
\nWe'll be playing upstairs in the Llandoger Trow on Kings street\, Bristol\, BS1 4ER
\nAlt art Chiyashis for the Top 3\nAlt Art Afshars for the top 7\nProbably some additional Swag TBC\n£3 entry.
\nAny questions at all please a sk!\nBaa Ram Wu.