BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3896alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Warsaw:20230923T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Warsaw:20230924T235900 URL: ip-2023 SUMMARY:Polish National Championship 2023 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:IMPORTANT: The tournament will be played with the newest Banlis t!\n\nThis year's Po lish National Championship will be held in Warsaw.\nRegistration form:\nht tps://\nThe venue can host 40 players. We ask y ou to register to be sure to be able to participate.\nTournament plan:\nSa turday:\nPolish National Championship — Swiss Rounds\nRegistration: 10:3 0-11:00\nStart: 11:00\nSunday:\nPolish National Championship —Top Cut\nS tart: 10:00\nCircuit Opener — in the Startup format:\nRegistration: 9:30 -10:00\nStart: 10:00\nLocation:\nGraal Blue City\, Floor +3\nAl. Jerozolim skie 179\n02-222 Warsaw\nTickets:\nMistrzostwa Polski: 40zł (10 Euro)\nCi rcuit Opener: 40zł (10 Euro) - to be confirmed once the H2 Kit arrives. I f it does not arrive in time we will play for the H1 Kit and the ticket pr ice will be lower\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
IMPORTANT: The tournament will be played wi th the newest Banlist!\n -09/
\nThis year's Polish National Championship will be held in Wars aw.
\nRegistration form:\n\nThe v enue can host 40 players. We ask you to register to be sure to be able to participate.
\nTournament plan:
\nSaturday:\nPolish National C hampionship — Swiss Rounds\nRegistration: 10:30-11:00\nStart: 11:00
\ nSunday:\nPolish National Championship —Top Cut\nStart: 10:00
\nCircuit Opener — in the Startup format:\nRegistration: 9:30-10:00\nStar t: 10:00
\nLocation:\nGraal Blue City\, Floor +3\nAl. Jerozolimskie 179\n02-222 Warsaw
\nTickets:\nMistrzostwa Polski: 40zł (10 Euro)\n Circuit Opener: 40zł (10 Euro) - to be confirmed once the H2 Kit arrives. If it does not arrive in time we will play for the H1 Kit and the ticket price will be lower