BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3892alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Madrid:20231015T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Madrid:20231015T235900 URL: side-events LOCATION:C. d'Enric Granados\, 97\, 08008 Barcelona\, Spain SUMMARY:Start-Up Championship and Side Events CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:2023 Null Signal Games Start-Up Championship and Side Events\nI n addition to the main Standard event\, Casa Rius will play host to a raft of thrilling side events as part of Worlds 2023! The B*Com Team Tournamen t will take place on Friday\, we will be running the 2023 Startup Champion ship on Sunday\, and throughout the whole weekend we’d love your help ru nning side events.\nPast side events have included draft pods\, preconstru cted deck formats\, and even non-Netrunner events. This year you can expec t to see RPGs\, Netrunner-related board games\, and more. If you have an e vent you’re interested in running\, you can reach out to us by sending u s an email at with the subject “2023 Worlds Pods” with some details so we can help you find players and set you up for succe ss.\nWe’ll be running a large Startup event on Sunday. Based on last yea r’s experience we’re modifying the format to better suit our time cons traints. The event will be run as single sided swiss\, and will consist on ly of swiss rounds. Win prizes based on the number of wins you can secure\ , and compete for the ultimate top prize\, a one-of-a-kind playmat!\nSCHED ULE and FORMAT\nSunday 15th of October: Number of Swiss Rounds depends on players registered Event registration will start at 9 am and close promptl y at 10 am. Round 1 will start 10 minutes later at 10:10. Rounds will be 4 0 minutes long. We anticipate running between 8-10 rounds.\nREGISTRATION\n Registration will happen the day of the event\, at the venue. Players will need to submit decklists as part of registration.\nPRIZE SUPPORT\nTBA\nTI CKETS:\nTo be able to play in this event\, you’ll need to have a ticket for the Main Event.\nOther Side Events\nThroughout Sunday\, we will be pro viding support for pod play of other supported formats\, such as Eternal o r cube draft. A ‘pod’ is a group of 8 or more players who want to play the same format together.\nIf you want to run a pod\, in an NSG-supported format or in a different format\, please write to us at op@nullsignal.gam es) with the subject “2023 Worlds Pods”\, so we can help you make arra ngements.\nAll pods will be provided with prize support\, including some e xclusive alternate arts and few Netrunner-themed dice!\nTICKETS:\nTo be ab le to play in any of the Side Events\, you’ll need to have a ticket for the Main Event.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

2023 Null Signal Games Start-Up Ch ampionship and Side Events


In addition to the main Stand ard event\, Casa Rius will play host to a raft of thrilling side events as part of Worlds 2023! The B*Com Team Tournament w ill take place on Friday\, we will be running the 2023 Startup Championshi p on Sunday\, and throughout the whole weekend we’d love your help runni ng side events.


Past side events have included draft pods\, precon structed deck formats\, and even non-Netrunner events. This year you can e xpect to see RPGs\, Netrunner-related board games\, and more. If you have an event you’re interested in running\, you can reach out to us by sendi ng us an email at op@nullsignal.gam es with the subject “2023 Worlds Pods” with some details so we can help you find players and set you up for success.


We’ll be runn ing a large Startup event on Sunday. Based on last year’s experience we ’re modifying the format to better suit our time constraints. The event will be run as single sided swiss\, and will consist only of swiss rounds. Win prizes based on the number of wins you can secure\, and compete for t he ultimate top prize\, a one-of-a-kind playmat!




Sunday 15th of October: Number of Swiss Rounds depends on players registered Event registration will start at 9 am and close promptly at 10 am. Round 1 will start 10 minutes later at 10:10. Rounds will be 40 minutes long. We anticipate running between 8-10 rounds.




Registration will happen the day of the event\, at the venue. Players will need to submit de cklists as part of registration.







To be able to play in this event\, you’ll need to have a ticket for the Main Event< /a>.


Other Side Events


Throughout Sunda y\, we will be providing support for pod play of other supported formats\, such as Eternal or cube draft. A ‘pod’ is a group of 8 or more player s who want to play the same format together.


If you want to run a pod\, in an NSG-supported format or in a different format\, please write t o us at wi th the subject “2023 Worlds Pods”\, so we can help you make arrangemen ts.


All pods will be provided with prize support\, including some exclusive alternate arts and few Netrunner-themed dice!




To be able to play in any of the Side Events\, y ou’ll need to have a ticket for the Main Event.