BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3890alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20231001T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20231001T235900 URL: -at-curio-caverns LOCATION:6701 Loisdale Rd #15\, Springfield\, VA 22150\, USA SUMMARY:National Capital Region CO at Curio Caverns CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Hi all\,\nThe National Capital Region group will be hosting a S tandard CO at Curio Cavern who has graciously accepted to host our our tou rnament.\nAddress: Curio caverns\, 6701 Loisdale Rd #15\, Springfield\, VA 22150.\nDate: Oct 1\, 2023\, 11:30 AM\nEntry: 10$\nWill Decklists need to be submitted? Yes\nTournament prize:\nWinner: Invitation to the 2023 Cir cuit Breaker Invitational Championship.\nTop 2: Playmat featuring new art from The Automata Initiative by BalanceSheet\nTop 4: 3x Moshing alt art\nT op 8: 3x Magnet alt art\nRegistration starts at 1130 AM for 30 minutes and the tournament starts soon after.\nWe will be playing in Single-sided Swi ss with 40 mins per round. Top cut is dependent on number of players:\n15 players or less ->\; 6 Swiss Rounds ->\; no top cut\n16 - 32 players - >\; 8 Swiss Rounds ->\; Top 4 double elimination or Top 3 elimination (dependent)\nOther Policies:\n\nThis tournament will be using the current banlist found here: \nThis tournament will be following current OP policy\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Hi all\,


The National Capital Regio n group will be hosting a Standard CO at Curio Cavern who has graciously a ccepted to host our our tournament.


Address: Curio caverns\, 6701 Loisdale Rd #15\, Springfield\, VA 22150.\nDate: Oct 1\, 2023\, 11:30 AM\n Entry: 10$\nWill Decklists need to be submitted? Yes


Tournament p rize:


Winner: Invitation to the 2023 Circuit Breaker Invitational Championship.\nTop 2: Playmat featuring new art from The Automata Initiati ve by BalanceSheet\nTop 4: 3x Moshing alt art\nTop 8: 3x Magnet alt art


Registration starts at 1130 AM for 30 minutes and the tournament sta rts soon after.


We will be playing in Single-sided Swiss with 40 m ins per round. Top cut is dependent on number of players:


15 playe rs or less ->\; 6 Swiss Rounds ->\; no top cut\n16 - 32 players ->\; 8 Swiss Rounds ->\; Top 4 double elimination or Top 3 elimination (depe ndent)


Other Policies: