BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3875alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231028T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231028T235900 URL: ctober-2023-h1-kit LOCATION:The Emerald\, 82 Glenalmond Ave\, Cambridge CB2 8DB\, UK SUMMARY:Cambridge Circuit Opener October 2023 (H1 Kit) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Enjoy the East Anglian Championship so much that you can't wait to come back to Cambridge?\nMissed out on the East Anglian Championship\, and looking for an excuse to play against the best players that Cambridge and Norwich have to offer?\nStill hyped from worlds\, and itching for ano ther hit of that sweet sweet stimhack?\nCouldn't make worlds\, but want to get some practice in before UK nationals?\nFear of missing out on the Cir cuit Breaker Invitational tournament?\nThese are all great reasons to come to Cambridge at the end of October\, and spend the day running the nets w ith friends.\n\nDate: Saturday\, 28th October 2023\nVenue: The Signal Box\ nRegistration Opens: 10:00 am\nRound 1: 10:30 am\nFinish Time: 18:00 pm\nP rice: £10.00\nFormat: Standard\nSchedule: 3/4 rounds of swiss (depending on numbers)\, cut to top 3 (single elimination)\nRules Tier: Casual\nRound Time: 65 mins per Swiss round\, 40 mins per elimination round\nAll player s are expected to be excellent to each other\, as per Nisei Organised Play Policy.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Enjoy the East Anglian Championship so much that you can't wait to come back to Cambridge?


Missed out on the East Anglian Championship\, and looking for an excuse to play against the best players that Cambridge and Norwich have to offer?


Still hyped from worlds\, and itching for another hit of that sweet sweet stimhack?\n

Couldn't make worlds\, but want to get some practice in before UK n ationals?


Fear of missing out on the Circuit Breaker Invitational tournament?


These are all great reasons to come to Cambridge at th e end of October\, and spend the day running the nets with friends.

\n< hr />\n

Date: Saturday\, 28th October 2023\nVenue: The Signal Box\nRegis tration Opens: 10:00 am\nRound 1: 10:30 am\nFinish Time: 18:00 pm\nPrice: £10.00\nFormat: Standard\nSchedule: 3/4 rounds of swiss (depending on num bers)\, cut to top 3 (single elimination)\nRules Tier: Casual\nRound Time: 65 mins per Swiss round\, 40 mins per elimination round


All playe rs are expected to be excellent to each other\, as per Nisei Organised Play Policy.