BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3868alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20230813T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20230813T235900 URL: a-pnw SUMMARY:2023 Startup Event - Cascadia PNW CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:[THE FOLLOWING IS MOSTLY COPIED FROM THE MAIN A.C.C. / CASCADIA EVENT: cific-northwest-event]\nCascadia has been selected by Null Signal Games to be the 2023 American Continental Championship!\nWelcome to Cascadia!\nCas cadia is a premier community run Netrunner event taking place in the Pacif ic Northwest. This year we're running the tournament out of Seattle\, Wash ington. Mox Boarding house has generously agreed to sponsor and host the e vent.\nThe event will be a two day affair:\nPaper decklists are required f or this event\, either printed or hand written on site.\nCascadia will be run using single sided Swiss. We are tentatively planning to run 10 rounds of single sided Swiss on Saturday. We will be cutting to the top 8 player s in the field.\nAll standings and round pairings can be found here.\nHere ’s our schedule for the weekend:\nSaturday\, August 12th – Standard Ev ent:\n10:00 AM – Registration Starts\n11:00 AM – Registration closes\, player meeting\n11:10 AM – 7:00 PM – Standard Swiss Rounds\nSunday\, August 13th – Startup side event and Standard cut:\n10:00 AM – Registr ation for Startup starts\n11:00 AM – Registration closes\, player meetin g\n11:30 AM – Standard Cut Begins\n11:30 AM – 5:00 PM – Standard Cut Rounds\n11:00 AM – 7:00 PM – Startup Swiss Rounds\n7:00 PM – 9:00 P M – Startup Cut Begins\nWe are currently planning on running 8 rounds of single sided swiss for Startup\,\nDay 1 will be the main standard event\, ran in single sided swiss\nDay 2 will feature a startup side event\, with the cut for the standard event running concurrently.\nYou can currently r egister at THIS LINK:\nNot from Se attle? We've put together a convenient travel guide for Seattle:\nhttps:// it\nYou can expect special alt art prizes unique to this event\, a competi tive tournament filled with some of the strongest players in North America \, and a great community event.\nCome join us in Seattle in the summer. It 's lovely.\nKeep your eyes peeled on this page as we update it with more a nd more tournament info as we come closer to the day. Register for the eve nt now so we know you're coming!\nThank you to Mox Boarding House for spon soring the event!\nWe now have a teaser up for one of the participation pr izes\, and a picture of the event space! Enjoy guessing the card!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
[THE FOLLOWING IS MOSTLY COPIED FROM THE MA IN A.C.C. / CASCADIA EVENT: ascadia-a-premier-pacific-northwest-event]
\nCascadia has been selec ted by Null Signal Games to be the 2023 American Continental Championship!
\nWelcome to Cascadia!
\nCascadia is a premier community run Netrunner event taking place in the Pacific Northwest. This year we're run ning the tournament out of Seattle\, Washington. Mox Boarding house has ge nerously agreed to sponsor and host the event.
\nThe event will be a two day affair:
\nPaper decklists are required for this event\, eit her printed or hand written on site.
\nCascadia will be run using si ngle sided Swiss. We are tentatively planning to run 10 rounds of single s ided Swiss on Saturday. We will be cutting to the top 8 players in the fie ld.
\nAll standings and round pairings can be found here.
\nHe re’s our schedule for the weekend:\nSaturday\, August 12th – Standard Event:
\n10:00 AM – Registration Starts
\n11:00 AM – Regis tration closes\, player meeting
\n11:10 AM – 7:00 PM – Standard Swiss Rounds
\nSunday\, August 13th – Startup side event and Stand ard cut:
\n10:00 AM – Registration for Startup starts
\n11:0 0 AM – Registration closes\, player meeting
\n11:30 AM – Standar d Cut Begins
\n11:30 AM – 5:00 PM – Standard Cut Rounds
\n11:00 AM – 7:00 PM – Startup Swiss Rounds
\n7:00 PM – 9:00 PM – Startup Cut Begins
\nWe are currently planning on running 8 roun ds of single sided swiss for Startup\,
\nDay 1 will be the main stan dard event\, ran in single sided swiss
\nDay 2 will feature a startu p side event\, with the cut for the standard event running concurrently. p>\n
You can currently register at THIS LINK: m/xp/rzgMh3vK
\nNot from Seattle? We've put together a convenient tr avel guide for Seattle:
\n VhNWvKt-p8X7qDvfK3iZ7T71XW2YfPX3cM9ng/edit
\nYou can expect special alt art prizes unique to this event\, a competitive tournament filled with some of the strongest players in North America\, and a great community ev ent.
\nCome join us in Seattle in the summer. It's lovely.
\nK eep your eyes peeled on this page as we update it with more and more tourn ament info as we come closer to the day. Register for the event now so we know you're coming!
\nThank you to Mox Boarding House for sponsoring the event!
\nWe now have a teaser up for one of the participation p rizes\, and a picture of the event space! Enjoy guessing the card!