BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3859alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney:20230923T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Sydney:20230924T235900 URL: ner-championship-east LOCATION:294 Pitt St\, Sydney NSW 2000\, Australia SUMMARY:Australian National Netrunner Championship (East) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:It's that time again\, Hackers and Frackers. In an inexplica ble attempt to foment cross-coast rivalries\, Australia is hosting two Net runner Nationals this year! Netrunner Nationals returns to Sydney for the first time since 2019\, and we're excited to see you once again. A final c hance to sharpen decks and name an Australian champion (or half of one) be fore Worlds.\nDates: Saturday 23rd September\, 2023\, with Top Cut and Side Events for Sunday 24th.\nLocation: Edinburgh Castle Hotel\, 294 Pi tt St\, Sydney/Warrane. Close to Town Hall Station and several public acce ss routes.\nFormat: Standard\, up to the new Automata Initiative. As al ways\, proxies are acceptable and encouraged. The event will follow all cu rrent NSG Organised Play Polices\, as well as the Code of Conduct.\nReg istration: 10am for 10:30am start. Enter via Pitt St and follow signs to t he upstairs bar.\nTop Cut and Side-events commencing 11am Sunday 24th\, pending attendance numbers. At minimum\, a Startup Event and Draft will b e on offer! If there's anything you're keen for\, get in touch via the Net runner ANZ Discord here:\nPrizing will be a standard 2023 Nationals kit\, as well as some lucky door prizes\, bount ies\, and a whole bunch of swag. We may even play for a sheep station or t wo.\nTickets are $25 through Eventbrite\, giving you participation and prizing for both days.\nGood luck\, and remember you must be this hype to ride at all times.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
It's that time again\, Hackers and Frackers . In an inexplicable attempt to foment cross-coast rivalries\, Australi a is hosting two Netrunner Nationals this year! Netrunner Nationals return s to Sydney for the first time since 2019\, and we're excited to see you o nce again. A final chance to sharpen decks and name an Australian champion (or half of one) before Worlds.
\nDates: Saturd ay 23rd September\, 2023\, with Top Cut and Side Events for Sunday 24th. p>\n
Location: Edinburgh Castle Hotel\, 294 Pitt St\ , Sydney/Warrane. Close to Town Hall Station and several public access rou tes.
\nFormat: Standard\, up to the new Automata Initiative. As always\, proxies are acceptable and encouraged. The event will follow all current NSG Organised Play Polices\, as well as the Code o f Conduct.
\nRegistration: 10am for 10:30am star t. Enter via Pitt St and follow signs to the upstairs bar.
\nTop Cut and Side-events commencing 11am Sunday 24th\, pending attendance numbe rs. At minimum\, a Startup Event and Draft will be on offer! If there's an ything you're keen for\, get in touch via the Netrunner ANZ Discord here:
\nPrizing will be a standard 2023 N ationals kit\, as well as some lucky door prizes\, bounties\, and a whole bunch of swag. We may even play for a sheep station or two.
\nTickets are $25 through Eventbrite< /a>\, giving you participation and prizing for both days.
\nGood luck\, and remember you must be this hype to ride at all times.