BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3848alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20230930T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20230930T235900 URL: LOCATION:The Emerald\, 82 Glenalmond Ave\, Cambridge CB2 8DB\, UK SUMMARY:💪 East Anglian Champs 💪 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:💪 East Anglian Champs 💪\nThe road to worlds starts here!\ n\nStream\nEast Anglian Champs - Emergency Hedge\nEast Anglian Champs is t he largest Netrunner tournament in the UK in the lead up to both Worlds an d UK Nationals.\nMetas from across the country are coming together to test the meta just weeks before the World Championships in Barcelona.\nExpect to play 5 rounds of Double Sided Swiss with a cut to Top 4 (numbers depend ing).\n£10 entry\, maximum capacity of 50\nThis event will be using the l atest banlist 23.09\nStick around during the top cut to take part in our f un side events including The Cambridge Boat Race and Netrunner Dream Crush for a chance to win additional and exclusive prizes!\n\nPrizes\n1st Place : Orca Playmat + CBI Invite\n2nd -3rd Place: Banner Playmat\n1st - 4th Pla ce: Moshing Alt Art (x3)\n1st - 8th Place: Spin Doctor Alt Art (x3)\n1st - 16th Place: Magnet Alt Art (x3)\nParticipation: Regolith Mining Licence A lt Art (x3)\n(Note: we did not receive some of the prizing we expected in time for the event\, this list has been updated to reflect this)\n\nAdditi onally there will be a Netrunner meetup/learn-to-play event on Friday 29th September\, 6:30pm at The Burleigh Arms\, 9-11 Newmarket Rd\, Cambridge CB5 8EG.\nFeel free to come down\, bring a friend and teach them Netrunner or play games\, hang out and have another opportunity to play in our fant astic side events.\nPlease reach out if you need advice on accomodation or things to do in Cambridge.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

💪 East Anglian Champs 💪


The road to worlds starts here!




Stream\nEas t Anglian Champs - Emergency Hedge


East Anglian Champs is the largest Netrunner tournament in the UK in the lead up to both Worlds and U K Nationals.


Metas from across the country are coming together to test the meta just weeks before the World Championships in Barcelona.

\ n

Expect to play 5 rounds of Double Sided Swiss with a cut to Top 4 (num bers depending).


£10 entry\, maximum capacity of 50


This event w ill be using the latest banlist 23.09


Stick around during the top cut to take part in our fun side events including The Cambridge Bo at Race and Netrunner Dream Crush for a chance to win additi onal and exclusive prizes!




1st Place: Orca Playmat + CBI Invite\n2nd -3rd P lace: Banner Playmat\n1st - 4th Place: Moshing A lt Art (x3)\n1st - 8th Place: Spin Doctor Alt Art (x3)\n< strong>1st - 16th Place: Magnet Alt Art (x3)\nParticipati on: Regolith Mining Licence Alt Art (x3)


(Note: we did no t receive some of the prizing we expected in time for the event\, this lis t has been updated to reflect this)


Additionally there wil l be a Netrunner meetup/learn-to-play event on Friday 29th September\, 6: 30pm at The Burleigh Arms\, 9-11 Newmarket Rd\, Cambridge CB5 8EG.


Feel free to come down\, bring a friend and teach them Netrunner or play games\, hang out and have another opportunity to play in our fantastic sid e events.


Please reach out if you need advice on accomodation or t hings to do in Cambridge.