BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3841alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20230826T160000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20230826T235900 URL: t-its-the-second-one LOCATION:18b Hall St\, Birmingham B18 6BS\, UK SUMMARY:Netbrummers Startup 2nament: It's the second one CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:(quiet airhorn sounds) It's back and more like the number two t han last time\, yes it's time for\nNetbrummers Startup Tournament 2: 2 Net brummers 2 Startup featuring The Automata Initiative and Dante from The De vil May Cry Series*!\n* if he ever returns my calls\nJust like last time\, we've got a fun and beginner-friendly tournament coming your way\, if you r way is Birmingham (or an adjacent region). We’re gonna be playing thre e rounds to determine who is the best Startup player in all of [insert rel evant region here depending on turnout]\, but more importantly to have a l ovely time. It’s going to be very casual\, so should be an ideal space f or those of you who’ve played a few games and are looking for a friendly space for your first tournament.\nEntry is £5\, which covers the cost of prizes (including participation prizes which everyone will get). There is a limit of 16 spaces for this tournament.\nGeek Retreat are kindly lettin g us use their space for free\, so please buy some food/drink while you're there.\nHere are all of the details you need to know\, which are mostly c opied from the last time I ran this!\nLocation\nWe will be at Geek Retreat Birmingham (18b Hall St\, Birmingham B18 6BS)\, which Google Maps says is a twenty minute walk from Birmingham New Street station or a short walk f rom St Pauls tram station. While it’s free to hire tables at the venue ( the entry cost is solely to pay for prizes)\, they do not allow outside fo od and drink.\nWhen you get there\, go downstairs (that's where the tables are). There is a Digimon event going on at the same time so it may be a l ittle bit of a squeeze\, but hopefully it'll be okay.\nTimings and Format\ nThe event is on Saturday 26th August (which cutely is exactly six months after the previous Startup tournament)\, with registration open at 3:30pm and round 1 beginning at 4pm. Please arrive early enough to give yourself time to register! I will be aiming to start as close to 4pm as possible be cause last time I didn't and then we didn't get much of a food break\, so please aim to be there by 3:55pm. Please let me know if this is infeasible - we can work something out.\nWe’ll be playing three rounds of 65 minut es\, with a break between rounds 2 and 3 to get food. We’ll end by 8pm a t the latest.\nThis tournament is in the Startup format\, which means that all cards from System Gateway\, System Update\, Borealis (so Midnight Sun and Parhelion) and the newly-released Automata Intiative are legal. Woah! There probably won't be many Startup decks that use Automata Initiative o ut for a bit\, but you can use Startup decks from the previous Startup and they will still be legal. Please note that Startup has no banlist\, and t hus there will be no banlist at this tournament.\nPrizes\nThe main prizes for this event are from the 2023 Q1 Game Night Kit\, and we will follow th eir tournament structure. That means the top 8 players each get a lovely s et of Tollbooth\, and the top 4 players also get a lovely set of Hippo. Th ere are also some Mestnichestvo which you can ask for on the day.\nI will also be supplementing these prizes with two of Kalypso’s Stained Glass G ateway IDs as participation prizes for everyone who signs up (while stocks last). As a bonus\, if this is your first ever Netrunner tournament\, you get a third ID! For free! Well okay for the cost of entry but still (ok i 'm not a very good salesperson)\nNew players\nIf you’re new and nervous about coming to your first tournament\, feel free to contact me if you’d like to talk about picking decks\, what to expect from the tournament or anything else about Netrunner. I may be a bit slow to reply but I will get back to you when I can!\nThe Midlands City Grid Discord server (ask for a n invite) will also be able to help you!\ntl\;dr\nThis is a casual tournam ent\, sign up if you want a place (limit 16 players)\, £5 entry fee payab le on the day\, participation prizes and prizes for winning too.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

(quiet airhorn sounds) It's back and more l ike the number two than last time\, yes it's time for


Netb rummers Startup Tournament 2: 2 Netbrummers 2 Startup featuring The Automa ta Initiative and Dante from The Devil May Cry Series*!


* if he ever returns my calls


Just like last time\, we've got a fun and beginner-friendly tournament coming your way\, if your way is Birming ham (or an adjacent region). We’re gonna be playing three rounds to dete rmine who is the best Startup player in all of [insert relevant region her e depending on turnout]\, but more importantly to have a lovely time. It ’s going to be very casual\, so should be an ideal space for those of yo u who’ve played a few games and are looking for a friendly space for you r first tournament.


Entry is £5\, which covers the cost of prizes (including participation prizes which everyone will get). There i s a limit of 16 spaces for this tournament.\nGeek Retreat are kin dly letting us use their space for free\, so please buy some food/drink wh ile you're there.


Here are all of the details you need to know\, w hich are mostly copied from the last time I ran this!



We will be at Geek Retreat Birmingham (18b Hall St \, Birmingham B18 6BS)\, which Google Maps says is a twenty minute walk fr om Birmingham New Street station or a short walk from St Pauls tram statio n. While it’s free to hire tables at the venue (the entry cost is solely to pay for prizes)\, they do not allow outside food and drink.


When you get there\, go downstairs (that's where the tables are). There is a Digimon event going on at the same time so it may be a l ittle bit of a squeeze\, but hopefully it'll be okay.


Timings and Format


The event is on Saturday 26th August (wh ich cutely is exactly six months after the previous Startup tournament)\, with registration open at 3:30pm and round 1 beginning at 4pm. Please arrive early enough to give yourself time to register! I will be aiming to start as close to 4pm as possible because last time I didn't and then we didn't get much of a food break\, so please aim to be there b y 3:55pm. Please let me know if this is infeasible - we can work something out.


We’ll be playing three rounds of 65 minutes\, with a break between rounds 2 and 3 to get food. We’ll end by 8pm at the latest.


This tournament is in the Startup format\, which means that all cards from System Gateway\, System Update\, Borealis (so Midnight Sun and Parhe lion) and the newly-released Automata Intiative are legal . Woah! There probably won't be many Startup decks that use Automata Initi ative out for a bit\, but you can use Startup decks from the previous Star tup and they will still be legal. Please note that Startup has no banlist\, and thus there will be no banlist at this tournament.\n



The main prizes for this event are from the 2023 Q1 Game Night Kit\, and we will follow their tournament st ructure. That means the top 8 players each get a lovely set of Tollbooth\, and the top 4 players also get a lovely set of Hippo. There are also some Mestnichestvo which you can ask for on the day.


I will also be su pplementing these prizes with two of Kalypso’s Stained Glass Gateway IDs as participation prizes for everyone who signs up ( while stocks last). As a bonus\, if this is your first ever Netrunner tour nament\, you get a third ID! For free! Well okay for the cost of entry but still (ok i'm not a very good salesperson)


New players


If you’re new and nervous about coming to your first tournament\, feel f ree to contact me if you’d like to talk about picking decks\, what to ex pect from the tournament or anything else about Netrunner. I may be a bit slow to reply but I will get back to you when I can!\nThe Midlands City Gr id Discord server (ask for an invite) will also be able to help you!




This is a casual tournament\, sign up if you want a pl ace (limit 16 players)\, £5 entry fee payable on the day\, participation prizes and prizes for winning too.