BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3829alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Copenhagen:20230915T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Copenhagen:20230917T235900 URL: ip-2023 SUMMARY:Danish National Championship 2023 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Calling all Netrunner players!\n* WE WILL USING BANLIST 23.08 ( previous) FOR THE EVENT - updated 12/09/2023*\nThe Price of the event will be 75 DKK/10 EURO (Mobile-pay = 20631269\, Paypal = m\, or Cash)\nExperience the exhilaration of the Denmark National Champion ship tournament as you compete for the desired title\, feeling the adrenal ine as you make your final run for the winning agenda.\nIn this immersive cyberpunk world\, the fine line between success and failure is razor-thin. Every decision counts\, as one misstep could be the End of the Line or ev en a fatal encounter with a devastating Snare!. But fear not\, for the thr ill of the game surpasses any risk\, especially during the last click.\nJo in us in Copenhagen\, Denmark from September 15-17\, 2023\, and immerse yo urself in epic Netrunner battles with Friends In High Places to compete\, connect\, and create unforgettable memories.\nHere's the plan:\nClick 1: S ocial Meetup on Friday\, September 15th\nClick 2: Standard Tournament kick s off on Saturday\, September 16th\nClick 3: Standard Top-Cut and Startup Side-events on Sunday\, September 17th\nClick 4: Celebration and prize dis tribution\nFriday Social meetup will be at Anarkist Bar\, Bernstorffsgade 7\, 1577 Copenhagen\, Denmark\, at 1900 with the entrance just opposite C openhagen Central Station. Link\nThe venue for Nationals will be: Rosenø rns Allé 1\, 1970 Frederiksberg with Registration at 10:00 and kickoff at 10:30. We will be using the most recent banlist &\; legal standard car dpool\nThere will be a dinner for those who want to join on Saturday at 19 :45 at Food Club\, Nørrebro only a 12 min walk from the venue at ** Sorte dam Dossering 7C\, 2200 København N ** Link.\nExciting Prize Structure:\n Winner: Exclusive Invitation to the Circuit Breaker Invitational Champions hip\, 2023 World Championship Ticket\, and National Champion Plaque\nTop 8 : Commemorative Hush Playmat\nTop 2 of each Faction: Collectible Faction E namel Pin\nTop 32: 3× Engolo\nTop 64: 3× Anoetic Void\nPrepare yourself for the ultimate Netrunner showdown! Mark your calendars\, gather your dec ks\, and join us for an unforgettable weekend of intense competition\, cam araderie\, and epic moments that will keep you on the edge of your seat.\n See you in Copenhagen!\nContact details:\nDiscord: Xtreme#6115\nEmail: Sim\nWhatsapp: +4520631269\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Calling all Netrunner players!


* WE WILL USING BANLIST 23.08 (previous) FOR THE EVENT - updated 1 2/09/2023*


The Price of the event will be 75 DKK/10 EURO< /strong> (Mobile-pay = 20631269\, Paypal =\, or Cas h)


Experience the exhilaration of the Denmark National Championshi p tournament as you compete for the desired title\, feeling the adrenaline as you make your final run for the winning agenda.


In this immers ive cyberpunk world\, the fine line between success and failure is razor-t hin. Every decision counts\, as one misstep could be the End of th e Line or even a fatal encounter with a devastating Snare !. But fear not\, for the thrill of the game surpasses any risk\, especially during the last click.


Join us in Copenhagen\, Denmark from September 15-17\, 2023\, and immerse yourself in ep ic Netrunner battles with Friends In High Places to compe te\, connect\, and create unforgettable memories.


Here's the plan :


Click 1: Social Meetup on Friday\, September 1 5th\nClick 2: Standard Tournament kicks off on Saturday\, September 16th\nClick 3: Standa rd Top-Cut and Startup Side-events on Sunday\, S eptember 17th\nClick 4: Celebration and prize distributio n


Friday Social meetup will be at Anarkist Bar\, Bernstorffsgade 7\, 1577 Copenhagen\, Denmark\, at 1900 with the entrance just opposite Copenhagen Central Station. Link


The venue for Nationals will be: Rosenørns Allé 1\, 1970 Frederiksberg with Registration at 10:00 and kickoff at 1 0:30. We will be using the most recent banlist & amp\; legal standard cardpool


There will be a din ner for those who want to join on Saturday at 19:45 at Food Club\, Nørrebro only a 12 min walk from the venue at ** Sortedam Dossering 7C\, 2200 København N ** Link.

\n< p>Exciting Prize Structure:


Winner: Exclusive Inv itation to the Circuit Breaker Invitational Championship\, 2023 World Cham pionship Ticket\, and National Champion Plaque\nTop 8: Co mmemorative Hush Playmat\nTop 2 of each Faction: Collecti ble Faction Enamel Pin\nTop 32: 3× Engolo\nTop 6 4: 3× Anoetic Void


Prepare yourself for the ultimate Net runner showdown! Mark your calendars\, gather your decks\, and join us for an unforgettable weekend of intense competition\, camaraderie\, and epic moments that will keep you on the edge of your seat.


See y ou in Copenhagen!


Contact details:


Disc ord: Xtreme#6115\nEmail:\ nWhatsapp: +4520631269